

单词 brief
释义 brief¹ /briːf/ adj.
1.(short)+ appearance, stay, visit短时间的;短暂的

She once made a brief appearance on television.她曾经在电视上露过脸。

This time their visit is brief.他们这次拜访只是小坐了片刻。

2.(concise)+ description, note, statement简短的;简洁的;简明的
a brief statement简短的声明

He gave a brief description of the man.他简要地介绍了一下那名男子。

to be brief简单点说;简而言之;长话短说

I hope to be brief and to the point.我希望能做到简明扼要。

3.(scanty)+ dress, nightie, skirt短的;暴露的
a brief bikini暴露的比基尼泳装
to be brief with sb唐突无礼地对待某人

The professor was very brief with me this morning.今天早上教授对我很不客气。

brief² /briːf/ n.

I was given the brief of developing a new system.我奉命开发新系统。

with a brief to do sth受命做某事;肩负做某事的任务

customs officials with a brief to stop porn coming into Britain受命阻止色情作品流入英国的海关关员

2.(for barrister)(律师的)诉讼摘要, 辩论摘要, 案情摘要

I'm not saying a word until my brief gets here.在我的律师来到这里之前我是一个字都不会说的。

The jury believed his brief and he got off.陪审团采信了他出庭律师的辩护, 他因此逃脱了惩罚。


The minister looked again at her brief before rising to answer the question.部长在起身回答问题之前又看了一眼她的摘要。

5.(in debate)(辩论时记录要点的)摘记, 便条
6.(from Pope)(天主教的)教皇通谕, 教廷通牒
to hold no brief for sth不支持某事;不赞同某事

Don't get me wrong. I hold no brief for protectionism.不要误解我的意思, 我并不赞同贸易保护主义。

in brief
(in summary form)简要地;以简明扼要的形式

and now, sport in brief现在播报体育简讯

the news in brief短讯;新闻提要

(in short)简言之;一言以蔽之

In brief, take no risks.总之, 不要冒险。

brief³ /briːf/ vt.

A Defense Department spokesman briefed reporters.一位国防部发言人向记者简要通报了情况。

The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides.首相已经从她的国会助手那里听取了基本情况。

to brief sb about sthorto brief sb on sth为某人介绍某事的基本情况;向某人简要介绍某事的信息

They had been well briefed about the economic situation.他们对经济形势已经有了基本的了解。

Someone will brief you on the dispute on the way to the airport.去机场的路上会有人为你简要介绍纠纷的情况。

to brief sb to do sth给某人下达做某事的指令;向某人布置做某事的任务

We had been briefed to look out for potential sites.我们奉命寻找备选地段。

They appointed a new business manager and briefed her to work on community projects.他们任命了一位新的业务经理, 并指派她负责社区项目的工作。

3.(give details of case to)+ barrister向…提供诉讼摘要(或辩护摘要、案情摘要)
4.(retain)+ barrister委聘…为辩护律师
Phrasal Verbbrief against




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