单词 | peace |
释义 | peace¹ 1.(not conflict)和平 Their activities threaten world peace.他们的行动威胁着世界和平。 2.(treaty)和约;停战协定 3.(harmony)和谐;和睦 to make peace和解;讲和 Sit down together; negotiate; make peace.坐下来, 谈一谈, 然后和解。 to make peace with sb (end quarrel)与某人讲和;与某人言归于好 to be at peace with sb/sth与…和睦相处 4.(law and order)治安;社会秩序 5.(absence of worry)平静;安宁 6.(calm)安静;宁静 He chose to return to the relative peace of his childhood village.他选择回到儿时居住的村庄, 一个相对宁静的地方。 to feel at peace感觉宁静 7.at peace with yourself/the world (calm)感觉平静;心平气和;悠然自得 Once I knew I was forgiven, I could be at peace with myself at last.一旦知道自己得到了宽恕, 我就终于可以安心了。 They make you relax. They make you feel at peace with the world.它们使你感到放松, 感觉悠然自得。 8.to hold/keep your peace<正式>(keep quiet)保持缄默;忍住不说 people who knew about this evil man but held their peace了解这个恶棍的情况却没有说出真相的人们 I felt it politic to keep my peace and play the part of the attentive listener.在我看来, 保持沉默、扮演留心的听众是精明之举。 9.to keep the peace official +维持社会秩序;维持和平 the first UN contingent assigned to help keep the peace in Cambodia联合国派到柬埔寨的第一支维和小分队 (behave well)遵守社会秩序;遵纪守法 The demonstrators were bound over to keep the peace.示威者被责令具结保证不再闹事。 10.to make (your) peace (apologize)主动和解;主动道歉 The President ought to seize this opportunity to make his peace with political parties.总统应该把握这个与各政党和解的机会。 All of a sudden she seemed to want to make peace and patch up our quarrel.突然间, 她似乎想通过道歉来平息我们之间的争执。 11.to rest in peace<正式>dead person +安息 May she rest in peace.愿她安息。 peace²1.(state)和平的 peace talks和谈 2.(support)支持(世界)和平的 peace women支持和平的女性 peace³ <废>安静下来 |
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