

单词 bargain
释义 bargain¹ /ˈbɑːɡɪn/ n.

The treaty was based on a bargain between the French and German governments.这个条约是以法德两国政府之间的一项交易为基础的。

to make a bargain达成交易

I'll make a bargain with you. I'll play hostess if you'll include Matthew in your guest-list.我和你做个交易吧。如果你把马修列入你的宾客名单, 我就做东。

to keep your side of the bargain按约定兑现承诺;信守诺言

Dealing with this dictator wasn't an option. He wouldn't have kept his side of the bargain.压根就不能和这个独裁者打交道, 他是不会信守诺言的。

to strike a bargain达成协议

In an attempt to resolve the crisis over its nuclear project, Iran struck a bargain with Britain, France, and Germany.为了解决核计划危机, 伊朗与英国、法国、德国达成了一项协议。

2.(something acquired in an agreement)按协议得到的东西;讨价还价得来的东西

He haggled the price down to half what was originally asked and later proudly showed his bargain to his friends.他把价格砍到了最初要价的一半, 后来还得意地向朋友们显摆自己的斩获。

3.(good buy)廉价物;特价商品;便宜货

Those shoes were a bargain!那些鞋子真划算!

At this price the wine is a bargain.这种葡萄酒卖这个价格真是便宜。

Fresh salmon is a bargain at the supermarket this week.本周超市的新鲜三文鱼特价。

to drive a hard bargain狠命讨价还价

a law firm with a reputation for driving a hard bargain以狠命讲条件闻名的律师事务所

into the bargainorin the bargain<美>(表示强调)此外, 另外, 而且

She was an exceptional mathematician and a beautiful one into the bargain.她是一位杰出的数学家, 而且人也长得美。

It is designed to save you time, and keep your work surfaces tidy into the bargain.它的设计既能节约时间, 又能保持工作台面整洁。

bargain² /ˈbɑːɡɪn/
🄰 vi.

Shop in small local markets and don't be afraid to bargain.去当地小市场购物, 别害怕讨价还价。

I hate it when people try to bargain in secondhand shops.我讨厌人们在旧货商店讨价还价。

to bargain with sb与某人讨价还价(或讲条件)

We managed to bargain with the boys and eventually they agreed to do it for free.我们和这些男孩谈成了条件, 他们最终同意无偿做此事。

They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.他们宁愿跟单个客户为现金讨价还价。

🄱 vt.

They had planned to bargain his life for their freedom.他们原来的计划是用他的生命做交易换取他们的自由。

2.+ agreement, settlement经讨价还价后达成;经谈判后决定

Universities will have to bargain individual agreements.大学将不得不通过个别谈判来达成协议。

more than you bargained for<非正式>出乎意料

He got more than he bargained for!他的收获超出了他的预料!

The effects of this policy were more than the government had bargained for.这项政策的效果是政府始料未及的。

Phrasal Verbsbargain away,bargain for,bargain on
bargain³ /ˈbɑːɡɪn/ comp.
(cheap)+ rate, fare廉价的;低廉的;+ goods, holiday, flight特价的;超值的

This enabled the Russians to obtain Cuban sugar at bargain rates.这使得俄罗斯人能够以低廉的价格买到古巴的蔗糖。

Last-minute travellers can still find plenty of bargain fares to New York.最后一刻决定出行的游客仍然可以找到大量去纽约的廉价机票。

British holidaymakers are enjoying bargain breaks abroad this summer.今年夏天, 英国度假者在国外享受着超值假期。

a bargain buy特价商品;合算的东西

The mirror was a bargain buy in a Harrod's sale.这面镜子是在哈罗德百货公司大减价时买到的特价商品。





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