

单词 phantom
释义 phantom¹ /ˈfæntəm/ n.

The phantom used to appear unexpectedly.那个鬼魂过去常常出人意料地出现。

They disappeared down the stairs like two phantoms.他们像两个幽灵似的走下楼梯消失了。

2.(representation)+of evil, doom幻象;影子;化身

Phantoms of evil haunted his sleep.他睡觉时常常梦到邪恶的幻象。

But still his grandfather behaved as if he were nothing more substantial than a phantom.但他祖父的行动依旧像影子那样捉摸不定。

3.(something unpleasant)虚幻而令人不快(或恐惧)的事物
4.【医】=manikin, 3
phantom² /ˈfæntəm/ adj.
1.(relating to spectre)幽灵的;鬼魂的

A phantom army marched through the sky.一支幽灵部队在空中行进。

2.(not real)幻象的;虚幻的;+ company, organization, profit虚假的;有名无实的;+ illness装出来的;谎报的

Police were investigating a phantom trading scheme at a Wall Street investment bank.警方正在调查一家华尔街投资银行的虚假交易计划。

She set up phantom companies run by her relations.她成立了几家由其亲属管理的影子公司。

She was always taking days off for what her colleagues considered phantom illnesses.她总是请病假, 但同事们认为她只是装病。





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