

单词 old
释义 old¹ /əʊld/ adj.
1.(not young)+ person, animal, tree, bush老的;年老的
an old man一位老人

old people老人们

an old dog一条老狗

an old tree一棵老树

old and young老老少少

an eclectic crowd, old and young, gay and straight一群形形色色的人, 有老有少, 有同性恋也有异性恋

to get oldorto grow old变老

He's just getting old.他只不过是上年纪了。

The hounds had grown old.那些猎狗已经老了。

Their parents would grow old without them.如果没有他们, 父母会变老。

to get olderorto grow older长大一些;年龄增长

As you get older, teeth darken.随着年龄的增长, 牙齿颜色会变深。

Usage Note
如今许多人倾向使用 older people,而不是old people the old这一表达。另外,最好避免使用the old这一表达。
2.(not new)+ object, building, proverb, saying存在时间长的;古老的

These books must be very old.这些书一定有好些年头了。

an old house一幢老房子

the old part of Barcelona巴塞罗那的老城区

the old adage古老的谚语

3.(showing age)+ object陈旧的;破旧的
a rusty old tractor一台生锈的旧拖拉机

an old toothbrush一把旧牙刷

his old corduroy trousers他那破旧的灯芯绒裤子


He wasn't old enough to understand.他还不够成熟, 理解不了。

She was young in years but old in wisdom.她人小鬼大。

5.(of specified age)岁的;存在…时间的

How old are you?你多大岁数了?

How old do you think these tombs are?你认为这些坟墓有多少年了?

He was abandoned by his father when he was three months old.他3个月大的时候被父亲遗弃了。

It's 10,000 years old.它有1万年的历史了。

my older brother我哥哥

my older sister我姐姐

when you're older当你再长大一些;当你年纪再大一些

You'll understand when you're older.你再长大些就会明白的。

to be old enough to do sth论年龄足以做某事

He's old enough to tie his shoelaces.他不小了, 能系鞋带了。

She isn't old enough to vote.她年龄尚小, 还不能投票。

She's old enough to know better.她已经不小了, 该懂事了。

He's old enough to be her father!他论年龄都能做她的父亲了!

to be older than sb比某人年纪大

Bill was six years older than David.比尔比戴维大6岁。

the oldest最年长的;年龄最大的

I'm the oldest daughter.我是长女。

He's the oldest child.他是最大的孩子。

to be as old as sb年龄和某人一样大

These weren't young kids; they were as old as I was.这些人都不是小孩子了, 他们跟我一样大。

See also-old

They'd built a supermarket on the old playing fields.他们在以前是运动场的地方建了一个超市。

my old English teacher我过去的英语老师

his old job at the town hall他过去在市政厅的工作

7.(of long standing)+ friend相识已久的;+ enemy, rival长期的;+ habit旧的;+ excuse老一套的;+ member老资格的;+ problem根深蒂固的

I called my old friend, John Horner.我给老朋友约翰•霍纳打了电话。

her old habit of criticizing his speech她总是要对他的发言提出批评的老习惯

an old Arab proverb一句耳熟能详的阿拉伯谚语

One by one, the old members of the band were being squeezed out.乐队的老成员一个接一个地被排挤出去。

Ethnic tensions are an old problem here.种族间的紧张关系在这里是一个根深蒂固的问题。


Are you all right, old chap?你还好吗, 老伙计?

Good old Brett would do her a favour.亲爱的老布雷特会帮她的忙。

9.(earlier)(为名字组成部分时大写)较早的, 最早的, 旧的
the old edition老版本

It's just like old times!就像昔日一样!

old Norwich旧时的诺里奇

the Old Testament《圣经•旧约》


Old English古英语

Old Norse古挪威语


the old fire-and-brimstone style of some preachers一些传道士过时的恐吓式传教法

12.(from long ago)古时的;古代的;古老的
an old culture古老文化
13.【地理】+ river, valley老年的
14.【农】+ crop收获得晚的
15.(as intensifier)(用作强化语)

I took myself off in a high old fury.我非常愤怒地离开了。

a great/high old time一段好时光

We had a great old time.我们度过了一段快乐时光。

any old sth<非正式>随便哪个东西

Any old thing will do.随便什么都行。

The portraits and sumptuous ornaments show that this is not just any old front room.那些画像和昂贵的装饰品表明这可不是一间普普通通的客厅。

any old how无序地;混乱地

He slams the cutlery down any old how.他把餐具随便乱扔。

any old way任一方式;任一样式

Solid gold can be fashioned in any old way.纯金可做成任意形状。

to be old beyond your years比实际年龄来得老成
to be old for your ageorto be old for your years举止老成

He was well-mannered, old for his age.他很有礼貌, 举止老成。

There are young people who are old for their years.有些年轻人比实际年龄来得老成。

to have an old head on young shoulders少年老成

In some respects she had an old head on young shoulders but in other ways she was immature.在一些方面她少年老成, 而在其他方面她却不够成熟。

little old sb/sth<非正式>(尤指幽默地表示亲密)小老…

my little old wife我的小老太婆

old² /əʊld/ n.
of old<文>古时;旧时;从前

the warrior knights of old旧时骁勇善战的骑士

a programme of work to recreate the Sherwood Forest of old重现古时舍伍德森林的工程

We know him of old.我们认识他很久了。

in days of old在古时;在从前

In days of old, knights in coats of mail roamed the cobbled streets of this town.从前, 穿着铠甲的骑士漫步在城里由鹅卵石铺成的街道上。

In days of old, an early German goal would have broken confidence.在过去, 德国队如果早进球会摧垮对手的信心。

old³ /əʊld/ npl.
the old老年人

providing a caring response for the needs of the old and the handicapped对老年人和残疾人的需求予以关切的回应





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