

单词 not all …
1.(with verbs)不;非;没有

I'm not sure.我不确定。

You must not do this.你千万不能这么做。

2.<口>(expecting an affirmative reply)(用于构成期望得到肯定回答的疑问句)

Didn't I see you at the party last week?我在上周的聚会上见过你, 对不对?

Isn't she pretty?她很漂亮, 不是吗?

3.<口>(expressing reproach, surprise)(通常以n't的形式出现在问句中, 用于推断某人应已做某事或表示惊讶)

Shouldn't you have offered to help?你难道不应该施以援手吗?

Why didn't you tell me sooner?你怎么不早点儿告诉我呢?

4.<口>(in question tags)(通常以n't 的形式出现, 用于肯定陈述后的附加疑问句中)

He's been a great husband, hasn't he?他一直是个很不错的丈夫, 不是吗?

5.<口>(in polite suggestions)(通常以n't 形式出现, 表示礼貌的建议)

Why don't you fill out an application?你先填一下申请表好吗?

6.(as clause substitute)(用于表示对刚提及的词、词组或从句的否定)不, 没有
7.(expressing an opposite)(与形容词或副词连用, 用于对所修饰词语进行否定)不, 没有

This is a not unusual occurrence.这种事并不少见。

I'm not totally convinced that she's right.我并不完全相信她是对的。

8.not all … or not every …
(talking about exceptions)并非所有的…;不是每个…

Not every applicant had a degree.不是所有的求职者都有学位。

9.not one … or not a single …
(emphasizing a negative)一个…也不;一个…也没有

I sent in several reports but not one was published.我提交了好几篇报告, 但一篇都没有发表。

10.(making a contrast)(用于对比真实和不真实的情况, 尤用于人们可能相信不真实的陈述时)不是

I work with her because she is the best – not because she is my sister.我与她共事是因为她是最出色的——并不是因为她是我姐姐。

11.(less than)(数量、距离等)不到, 少于

The animal was not five yards away.那只动物就在不到5码远的地方。

I saw him not five minutes ago.我不到5分钟前还见过他。

12.(expressing dismay)<口>(用于对刚发生的事表示沮丧, 通常此类事件以前发生过)不会(又…)

Oh no, not him again!哦不, 不会又是他吧!

13.not at all
(reinforcing a negative)(用于表示强调)一点不, 根本没有

But aren't you worried?—No, not at all.但你不担心吗?——不, 根本不担心。

He looked pale and not at all well.他看起来脸色苍白, 气色一点儿都不好。

(acknowledging thanks)不用谢;别客气

Thank you.—Not at all.谢谢你。——不客气。

See not




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