

单词 patch
释义 patch¹ /pætʃ/ n.
1.+of cloth, leather, rubber补丁;补片

I mended the sheets by sewing on square patches.我缝了些方补丁把床单补好了。

jackets with patches on the elbows胳膊肘上有块块补丁的夹克衫

a patch of material一块补丁

2.(small area)小块区域
a small patch of grass一小片草地

a damp patch一小块潮湿的土地

a bare patch on the lawn草坪上一小块光秃秃的地方

He's got a bald patch.他头上秃了一块。

3.(contrasting area)(与周围部分不同的)小块

There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds.灰云中有一片蓝天。

4.(for eye)眼罩

She went to the hospital and found him lying down with a patch over his eye.她去了医院, 看到他戴着眼罩躺着。

He wore a black patch over one eye.他一只眼睛上戴着黑色眼罩。


The strawberry patch needs weeding.这一畦草莓该除草了 。

I stomped outside and hid in the rhubarb patch.我跺着脚走出去, 藏进了大黄地里。

See alsovegetable patch

a patch of potatoes一小块地产出的土豆

7.<非正式>(home ground)(警察等的)管辖区, 地盘

I like to know exactly what's going on on my patch.我想知道在我的辖区究竟发生了什么。

You be careful. You're on my patch now.小心点, 你现在可是在我的地盘上。

8.【医】(to deliver drug)膏药;贴片

Oestrogen patches deliver a low steady state of oestrogen.雌激素膏药释放出低量且稳定的雌激素。

anti-seasickness patches and nicotine patches to help smokers quit抗晕船膏药贴片和帮助吸烟者戒烟的尼古丁贴片

9.【病理】(on skin)

Vitiligo patches cannot suntan, and the skin is very sun-sensitive.白癜风斑是晒不黑的, 并且长斑处的皮肤对阳光很敏感。


Older machines will need a software patch to be loaded to correct the date.老一些的机器需要装入一个补丁(程序)来修正日期。

13.【时装】(formerly;beauty spot)(尤指18世纪妇女贴在脸上作装饰的)美人斑, 饰颜片
14.to go through a bad patchorto go through a rough patch<主英>倒霉;不走运;经历困难期

His marriage was going through a bad patch.他的婚姻正经历困难期。

The company I work for went through a rough patch.我工作的公司经历过一段困难时期。

I went through a bad patch a few years ago: I lost my job and then my wife left me.几年前我有过一段很倒霉的日子:先是丢了工作, 随后老婆也离开了我。

15.not a patch on sb/sth<英,非正式>比不上某人/某事物;远不及某人/某事物

He's not a patch on the rest of the Cabinet.他远不如内阁的其他成员。

Handsome, she thought, but not a patch on Alex.挺帅的, 她想, 但还是比不上亚历克斯。

patch² /pætʃ/ vt.
1.(mend)+ clothes补;修补

She earned money by patching and selling old clothes.她靠缝补和出售旧衣服挣钱。


The mechanic took the damaged tyre back to the station to be patched.修理工把受损轮胎带回修理厂修补。

He patched the barn roof.他修补了谷仓的顶部。

to patch a hole补洞;给洞打上补丁

The polymer repairs damaged cells by patching holes in damaged membranes.聚合物是通过给受损细胞膜补洞的方式来修复受损细胞的。

3.【缝】+ quilt用布块拼成

Quilted bedding was patched out of necessity.出于需要, 用布块拼缝了带夹层的被褥。

5.【电子】+ circuits(通过接插板)临时连接
Phrasal Verbspatch through,patch together,patch up




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