

单词 news
释义 news¹ /njuːz/ n.
1.(information about events)消息

It was nice to have your news.很高兴听到你的消息。

News travels fast around here.消息在这儿传得很快。

That's wonderful news!那真是个好消息!

a piece of news一则消息

I've had an interesting piece of news from Tom.我从汤姆那里听到一则有趣的消息。

the news某个消息

He's thrilled to bits at the news.听到这个消息他兴奋极了。

Have you heard the news? Jenny's expecting a baby!你们听说了吗?珍妮怀孕了!

good news好消息

If Gordon's passed his accountancy exams, that is good news.要是戈登通过了会计考试, 那可是个好消息。

Let me tell you the good news first.我来先告诉你个好消息。

I've got some good news for you.我有好消息告诉你。

bad news坏消息

I've had some bad news.我听到些坏消息。

to break the bad news to sb把坏消息告诉某人

Her sister broke the bad news to her.她姐姐把坏消息告诉了她。

(helpful for)对某人/某事是个好消息

It's good news for business, good news for the economy.这无论对商业还是对经济来说都是个好消息。

At last there's some good news for environmental activists!最终总算有了对环保积极分子有利的消息了!

(not helpful)对某人/某事是个坏消息

The drop in spending is bad news for retailers.消费支出的减少对零售商来说是个坏消息。

More bad news for the motor industry!对汽车制造业还有更多坏消息!

news from sb/sth从…传来的消息

The news from South Africa is not good, I'm afraid.我担心从南非传来的并不是好消息。

Have you had any news from Ruth recently?最近你从露丝那儿得到什么信息没有?

news of sth/sb关于…的消息

We had just received the news of my acceptance by the college of my choice.我们刚刚收到我被心仪的大学录取的消息。

We waited and waited for news of him.我们一直在盼着他的消息。

We've had no news of Mike for months.我们已经好几个月没有迈克的音讯了。

2.(information given by the media)(媒体)新闻
financial news金融新闻

sports news体育新闻

person, story +被作为新闻报道;在新闻报道中出现

some of the stories that are in the news right now新闻里正播放的一些事件

My children's school is in the news again, but for all the wrong reasons.我的孩子们就读的学校又上新闻了, 不过都是负面报道。

3.【无线电,电视】(broadcast bulletin)新闻广播;新闻报道

There's a news on Channel Four at seven o'clock.七点钟在第四频道有新闻广播。

the news新闻报道;新闻节目

I watch the news every evening.我每天晚上都看新闻。

I listen to the news every morning.我每天早晨都收听新闻节目。

the six o'clock news六点的新闻节目

event +(事件)上新闻

It was on the news at 9.30.它是在九点半的新闻节目中播出的。

4.(something widely reported)新闻人物;新闻事件
to be news成为新闻

A murder was big news.谋杀案是大新闻。

If you are a celebrity, you are headline news.你要是名人, 就会登上新闻头条。

She is no longer news in the film world.她已经不再是电影界的新闻人物了。

5.to be news to sb对某人来说是新闻, 某人一点都不知道(尤指令人吃惊或恼怒)

I'd certainly tell you if I knew anything, but I don't. What you're saying is news to me.如果我知情, 肯定会告诉你, 但我并不知道。你现在说的我也是第一次听说。

That's news to me!这事我真是闻所未闻!

See alsobad news
news² /njuːz/ comp.

a news article/ban/website一则新闻报道/一条新闻广播禁令/一个新闻网站





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