

单词 negotiate
释义 negotiate /nɪˈɡəʊʃɪˌeɪt/
🄰 vi.

Western governments have this week urged him to negotiate and avoid force.西方各政府已于本周敦促他坐下来谈判, 避免动武。

They were not prepared to negotiate.他们不愿意谈判。

to negotiate with sb与某人谈判

The government says it will not negotiate with terrorists.政府表示不会与恐怖主义分子谈判。

The President is willing to negotiate with the Democrats.总统愿意与民主党人士商谈。

to negotiate with sb for sth就…与某人商谈

I am negotiating with Pyramid Press for its publication in the States.我正在与金字塔出版社就其在美国出版事宜进行洽谈。

to negotiate for sth就…进行谈判

The government is negotiating for the release of the hostages.政府正在就人质的释放进行谈判。

to begin negotiating for sth就…开始商谈

His agent had just begun negotiating for his next book.他的代理人刚开始就他下一本书的出版问题进行洽谈。

The two sides began negotiating for a new contract.双方开始协商签订一项新合同。

to negotiate to do sth协商做某事

Three companies were negotiating to market the drug.三家公司正在协商对该药进行市场推广。   

🄱 vt.
1.+ agreement, treaty, truce通过谈判达成;谈成;商定

He succeeded in negotiating British entry into the European Community.他通过谈判成功地使英国加入欧洲共同体。

The local government and the army negotiated a truce.当地政府和军方通过谈判达成了停战协议。

In 1967 he negotiated a trade agreement with Ghana.1967年他与加纳谈成一项贸易协定。

2.(get round)+ difficult terrain顺利通过;+ obstacle越过;绕过;+ bend in road拐过

Frank Mariano negotiates the desert terrain in his battered pickup.弗兰克•马里亚诺驾驶他那辆破烂不堪的小卡车成功穿越了沙漠地带。

She negotiated the chairs in the middle of the room.她绕过房间中央的几张椅子。

I negotiated the bend on my motorbike and then stopped.我骑着摩托车拐了弯, 然后停了下来。

to negotiate your way somewhere成功到达某处

I negotiated my way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.我驾车出了机场, 汇入车流。

3.【金融】+ commercial paper转让
4.【金融】+ assets议价出卖
5.【金融】+ loan洽兑




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