

单词 nail
释义 nail¹ /neɪl/ n.
1.(fastening device)钉子

He hammered the nail into the branch.他把钉子钉进了树枝里。

2.(something similar to fastening device)钉状物
3.(human;fingernail, toenail)指甲;趾甲

Keep your nails short and your hands clean.勤剪指甲, 保持双手清洁。

4.【动】(claw)(哺乳动物、鸟类或爬行动物的)爪, 趾甲
5.(needle)(用于注射药物的)皮下注射针, 针头
6.(unit of length)纳尔(旧时布匹长度单位, 1纳尔=21/4英寸)
as hard as nails/hard as nails<英>(tough)铁石心肠的;冷酷无情的;强硬好斗的

He's a shrewd businessman and hard as nails.他是个精明的商人, 有着铁石心肠。

to bite your nails
(as habit)咬手指甲

Don't bite your nails!别咬手指甲!

(be worried)担心;忧虑
to hit the nail on the head
(shows agreement)一针见血;切中要害;一语中的

I think it would civilize people a bit more if they had decent conditions.—I think you've hit the nail on the head.我想如果人们生活条件好的话, 可能会更文明开化一些。——我觉得你真是说到点上了。

a nail in the coffin
(something that shortens)催命符;毁灭性事件
on the nail<英>pay +立刻;马上

He paid cash on the nail.他立刻支付了现金。

nail² /neɪl/ vt.
1.+ object钉;钉住;钉牢

He nailed the sign onto the tree.他把指示牌钉到了树上。

2.<非正式>+ person逮捕;抓住;抓获
+ crime以…罪名逮捕某人;判定某人…罪名

They managed to nail him for several robberies.他们终以几起抢劫罪的罪名逮捕了他。

3.+ target击打;击落
4.(expose)揭穿, 察觉到(谎言或说谎者)
5.+ eyes, attention把…集中于;使盯住
6.(stud with nails)用饰钉装饰
Phrasal Verbsnail down,nail up




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