

单词 must
释义 must¹ /重读mʌst;非重读məst/ moda.l aux. vb.
negative mustn't
1.(indicating necessity or importance)必须;一定要

I must try harder.我必须更加努力地尝试。

All of these concerns must be addressed.所有这些问题都必须解决。

The doctor must not allow the patient to be put at risk.医生绝对不能置患者于危险境地而不顾。

2.(indicating a stipulation)(依照规定或法律)必须, 应当

Equipment must be supervised if children are in the house.如果孩子们在屋里, 必须有人监管设备。

Candidates must be over 18 years of age.候选人必须年满18岁。

3.(indicating strong probability)(用于表示据已知情况推测)很可能是, 想必是, 肯定是

They must have plenty of money.他们一定很有钱。

'You must be Emma,' said the visitor.来客说:“你肯定是埃玛。”

I must have made a mistake.我一定是出错了。

4.(expressing strong intention)(用于表示意图或决心)一定要, 坚持要

I must be getting back.我一定要回来。

I must have a whisky.我得喝杯威士忌。

I must phone my parents.我一定要给父母打电话。

5.you must …
(urging, inviting)(用于表示建议或邀请)务必, 一定要

You must see a doctor.你一定得去看医生。

You mustn't forget to send her a card.你千万别忘了给她寄贺卡。

6.(expressing sympathy)(用于表示同情)必定, 想必

This must be a very difficult time for you.对你来说, 现在想必是非常艰难的时期。

7.(indicating inevitability)(表示必然性)必定, 必然

All good things must come to an end.所有的好事都有尽时。

We must all die, sooner or later.我们都会死, 早晚的事。

8.(emphatic use)(用于感叹句, 表示惊讶、震惊、怀疑等)一定是, 准是

You must be out of your mind!你准是疯了!

You must be joking!你一定是在开玩笑吧!

I must be mad!我一定是气坏了!

9.sb must away<古或幽默>(expressing compelling haste)某人必须去;某人必须走了
10.if I must
(expressing reluctance)(表示不情愿)如果我一定要(这样做的话)

OK, if I must!好吧, 如果我一定得这么做!

11.if sb must<口>如果某人一定要(这样做的话)

Could I have a word?—Very well, if you must.我能说一句吗?——如果你非说不可的话, 好吧。

12.if you must know如果你一定想知道的话
13.I must sayorI must admitorI must confess<口>(用于强调)我得说/我得承认

This came as a surprise, I must say.我得说这真是个意外。

I must admit I like looking feminine.我得承认我喜欢看起来淑女一些。

They were very polite, I must confess.我得承认他们很有礼貌。

14.must you … ?
(expressing irritation)(用于问句中表示生气)你非要…吗?你偏要…吗?

Must you always put the blame on other people?你总是要把责任推卸给别人吗?

Why must you always exaggerate?为什么你总要夸大其词?

must² /mʌst/ n.
1.to be a must
(be essential)必不可少;是不可或缺的

Good shoes are a must.好的鞋子是必不可少的。

Diversification is a must.多样化是不可或缺的。

to be a must for sb对于某人来说必不可少




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