

单词 minimum
释义 minimum¹ /ˈmɪnɪməm/缩写为min. n.( 复minima)
1.(least possible amount)最低数量(或程度);最少量

Two hundred's the minimum they'll accept.两百是他们能接受的最低数量。

She has now cut her teaching hours to the minimum.现在她已经把自己的教学时间减到了最少。

to reduce sth to a minimum把…减至最低数量(或程度)
to keep sth to a minimum把…保持在最低数量(或程度)

Office machinery is kept to a minimum.办公设备控制在最低保有量。

(at least something)某物的最少数量

This will take a minimum of one hour.这至少要用一个小时。

to do sth with a minimum of fuss轻轻松松地做某事

He goes about his job with a minimum of fuss.他干起工作来总是很轻松。

With a minimum of fuss, she produced the grandson he had so desperately wished for.几乎没费什么周折, 她就生了一个他朝思暮想的孙子。

at a minimum至少

This would take three months at a minimum.这最少要3个月的时间。

2.(least amount allowed)最低值;最低点;最少量;下限

The minimum in our temperature record this month was 50 degrees.这个月我们记录到的最低温度是50度。

Four feet should be seen as an absolute minimum.4英尺应该被视为绝对下限。

3.【数】(value of function)极小(值);最小
minimum² /ˈmɪnɪməm/ adj.
1.(of minimum)最低数量(或程度)的;最少量的
a rise in the minimum wage最低工资的上涨
2.(least possible)最小的;最少的;最低的;下限的

You'll need a minimum deposit of 20,000 dollars.你最少需要有两万美元的存款。

The minimum age for driving is 17.驾车的最小年龄是17岁。

with minimum effort以最少的努力

The basic needs of life are available with minimum effort.只要稍加努力便可以满足基本生活需求。

the minimum amount最少量

We try to spend the minimum amount of time on the garden.我们想尽量少花时间在花园上。

(at least three months)至少3个月




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