

单词 improvise
释义 improvise /ˈɪmprəˌvaɪz/
🄰 vt.
1.(make quickly)临时做;临时凑成

They helped me improvise a curtain in front of the toilet.他们帮我在卫生间前临时挂上一个门帘。

an improvised stone shelter一处临时用石头搭建的庇护所


Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章, 又即兴作了一段祈祷文。

🄱 vi.
1.(make sth quickly)临时做好;临时凑成

You need a wok for this recipe; if you don't have one, improvise.这个菜要用炒锅;如果没有, 就暂用别的锅将就。

2.(perform spontaneously)即兴创作;即兴表演

I asked her what the piece was and she said, 'Oh, I'm just improvising'.我问她那段乐曲叫什么, 她说:“哦, 我只是即兴弹的。”

A jazz soloist might similarly improvise for hours.一个爵士独奏乐手同样可能即兴演奏数小时。





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