

单词 hot
释义 hot¹ /hɒt/ adj.(hotter,hottest)
1.(very warm)热的;烫的
a hot bath热水澡

Metal-handled pans can get really hot and burn you.金属柄的平底锅会变得很热, 并烫伤人。

When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion.油热后, 放入切好的洋葱。

to be hot身体发热

I'm too hot.我热得很。

The back of her neck was hot.她的脖子后面很烫。

3.+ weather炎热的

It was terribly hot yesterday.昨天天真热。

My small greenhouse gets very hot when the sun is shining.太阳照晒的时候, 我的小暖房会变得很热。

a hot country一个炎热的国家
4.(as opposed to warm)炙热的

Put it in a hot oven.把它放入炙热的烤箱里。

5.a hot meal热饭
6.(spicy)+ chilli, food辛辣的;辣的
hot curries辛辣的咖喱菜肴

a dish that's spicy but not too hot一道香辣但又不算太辣的菜

a hot temper暴躁的脾气

My brother had a hot temper.我弟弟脾气暴躁。

8.(important)+ topic热门的;备受关注的

Pollution is currently a hot topic in America.当前污染在美国是一个热门话题。

hot news最新消息

the hottest movie of the summer这个夏天最热门的电影

When I was last there, the hot place was the Royal Bachelors' Club.我上次去那儿的时候, 最火的地方是皇家单身俱乐部。

11.【体】+ ball(掷球或击球)大力的, 难接的
12.(likely to succeed)极有可能获胜的
the hot favourite<英>the hot favorite<美>热门球队;极有可能获胜的选手(或竞争者)

Atlantic City is the hot favourite to stage the fight.大西洋城极有可能获得这次拳击赛的主办权。

a hot tip可靠情报
13.(intense)+ competition激烈的;紧张的
14.【物】(having high level of radioactive)强的;高的

a hot laboratory高放射性的实验室

15.<俚>(stolen)(物品或钱)偷来的, 走私的, 非法得来的
to get too hot for sb对某人来说难应付

When the streets get too hot for them, they head south in one stolen car after another.当在市区走投无路时, 他们便开着一辆又一辆偷来的汽车朝南方驶去。

17.<非正式>(sexually attractive)性感的

We are introduced to a cadre of hot chicks who all go to the same high school.我们认识了一帮辣妹, 她们都在同一所高中上学。

18.+ colour明亮的;艳丽的

hot pink亮粉色

19.【物】(with high electric potential)高电势的;高电压的
20.【物】(having higher energy level than ground state)能级高的

a hot atom热原子

22.(in guessing games)接近(答案或目标)的
24.<澳,新西兰,非正式>(excessive)+ price, charge过高的
to be hot on sth<非正式>(severe)对某事很严厉

The police are hot on drunk driving.警察严查酒驾。


He's hot on vintage cars.他很懂老爷车。

to be hot on sb's heels

They pushed past him and entered the room hot on the heels of Dullah and Ronnie.他们从他身边挤过去, 紧跟着杜拉赫和罗尼进了屋子。

(soon after)在…不久之后发生

Hot on the heels of the HRT evangelists come the purveyors of romantic back-to-nature 'alternatives'.先是有人大肆鼓吹激素替代治疗, 紧接着就有人要提供很虚幻的回归自然式“非传统疗法”。

to be not so hot on sth不擅长某事物

He's not so hot on physics.他不擅长物理。

hot and bothered心急火燎的;焦躁不安的

My boyfriend came out looking hot and bothered.我的男朋友心急火燎地出来了。

to get hot and bothered变得焦躁不安

Ray was getting very hot and bothered about the idea.听了这个想法, 雷变得焦躁不安。

hot under the collar<非正式>发怒的;恼怒的;气冲冲的

The cold snap is leaving motorists hot under the collar as batteries and fuel lines freeze.这股寒流让开车的人很恼火, 因为汽车的电池和燃油管都冻住了。

to get hot under the collar生气;发怒

Why do our Leftists get hot under the collar at the very mention of World Bank?为什么一提到世界银行, 左翼分子就会变得怒气冲冲呢?

in hot water<非正式>(尤指当权者)陷入困境的, 有麻烦的

South Korea's new government declared itself 'in hot water'.韩国新政府宣称其陷入了“水深火热”中。

Last year's speech landed Bush in hot water.去年的发言让布什陷入了麻烦。

to make it hot for sb刁难某人;使某人的日子不好过
hot² /hɒt/ adv.
to blow hot and cold摇摆不定;反复无常

The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.与此同时, 媒体对于这件事也摇摆不定。

to give it hotorto give it to sb hot惩罚某人;殴打某人
hot³ /hɒt/
Phrasal Verbhot up




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