

单词 great
释义 great¹ /ɡreɪt/ adj.
a great black cloud of smoke一大团黑烟

a great expanse of desert一片广袤的沙漠

a great mansion一座大厦

a great number大量;很多

The new policy will affect a great number of people.这项新政策会影响到很多人。

2.(outstanding)+ artist, writer, scientist, athlete, work, novel, picture伟大的;优异的;杰出的;+ city著名的;主要的;+ success, achievement巨大的;重大的

the greatest scientist since Einstein自爱因斯坦以来最伟大的科学家

one of the greatest football players of all time有史以来最杰出的足球运动员之一

the great novels of the 19th century19世纪的小说杰作

the great cities of the Rhineland莱茵兰地区的主要城市

Winning the title is a great achievement.赢得这个称号是一项巨大的成就。

3.+ heat, pain强烈的;极度的

The heat was so great I took off my shirt.实在是太热了, 我把衬衣脱了。

He was in great pain.他疼得很厉害。

4.+ difficulty, risk, danger异乎寻常的;巨大的

The club is having great difficulty attracting new members.这个俱乐部目前在吸引新成员方面遇到很大困难。

He had taken a great risk in opposing the new policy.他冒了巨大的风险反对这项新政策。

Smokers have a three times greater risk of developing heart disease.吸烟者患心脏病的风险是其他人的三倍。

5.+ pleasure, love极大的

My greatest pleasure is talking to my children.跟我的孩子们交谈是我最大的快乐。

He has a great love for his son.他深爱他的儿子。

with great pleasure很高兴地;愉快地
to get great pleasure from sth从某事物中获得极大快乐

All his life he got great pleasure from simple country pursuits.他一生都从简单的乡村活动中获得极大的乐趣。

to get great pleasure from doing sth从做某事中得到极大乐趣

They get great pleasure from visiting gardens.他们从游园活动中获得极大乐趣。

6.(in animal names)(用于鸟等动物的名称)大的
the great tit大山雀

the great white shark大白鲨

7.great at sth

She's great at French.她精通法语。


They're great friends.他们是挚友。

to be a great believer in/supporter of sth坚信/坚决支持某事物

I am a great believer in the power of prayer.我对祈祷的力量深信不疑。

He is a great supporter of the trade-union movement.他坚决支持工会运动。


It's a great idea.这是个好主意。

That's great!太棒了!

I feel great.我感觉非常好。

to have a great time玩得很高兴

The kids were in the pool all day having a great time.孩子们游泳池里待了一天, 玩得很开心。

the great thing is that …好处是…;可喜之处是…

The great thing is that we can be together.好处是我们能在一起。

oh great!<幽默>太好了!

Oh great! Just what I need.太好了!正是我需要的。

10.(in mild oaths)(加强语气, 用于温和的诅咒)大的, 十足的

Great balls of fire! What's that?好大的火球!那是个什么玩意儿?


She was great with child.她怀了孩子。

to be great on sth<非正式>(knowledgeable about)对某事物很熟悉;精通某事物

Mum's great on diseases and problems, but not so good on pleasure.妈妈对疾病和解决难题都很在行, 却不太明白如何享乐。

(enthusiastic about)热衷于某事物

He was great on the personal contact.他热衷于与人交往。

great² /ɡreɪt/ n.
1.(outstanding figure)大人物;伟人

She is one of the greats of modern cinema.她是现代电影界的巨星之一。

Indurain can be ranked among the greats of cycling.安杜兰可以跻身最伟大的自行车手之列。

the greats of feminist literature女权主义文学巨匠

a medley of rock'n'roll greats摇滚金曲集锦
3.(organ keyboard)(风琴的)主键盘
the great and the good<幽默>大人物

She was attending a dinner for the great and the good.她正在参加为大人物举办的一场晚宴。

great³ /ɡreɪt/ adv.

They played great.他们打得很出色。





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