

单词 precise
释义 precise /prɪˈsaɪs/ adj.
1.(exact and accurate)+ figure, definition, measurements, instructions准确的;精确的

To teach its meaning to a computer we must provide it with a precise definition.要使计算机明白它的意义, 我们必须向其提供精确的定义。

I'll need precise measurements if you want me to buy the wood for you.如果你想让我帮你买木材, 我需要准确的尺寸。

I left very precise instructions about how to deal with the invoices.关于如何处理发票, 我留下了非常明确的指令。

He gave me a very precise route to follow.他向我提供了一条非常精确的路线。

a precise figure精确的数字

2.(particular)+ location, details, plans确切的;明确的

We will never know the precise details of his death.我们永远都不会知道他死亡的确切细节。

the precise location of the wreck失事船只的确切位置

at that precise moment恰好在那一刻

3.+ scale, instrument精密的;精确的

measurements on a more precise scale用更精确的标尺量得的尺寸

4.+ person, mind严谨的;一丝不苟的

She was very precise, an uncluttered woman with an uncluttered mind.她非常严谨, 是位思维清晰的干练女子。

He's very precise in everything he does.他做每一件事都一丝不苟。

5.to be precise确切地说;准确地说

More than a week ago, Thursday evening to be precise, Susanne was at her evening class.一个多星期以前, 确切地说是星期四晚上, 苏珊在上夜校。

We had about a dozen people round to dinner, thirteen, to be precise.我们有大约十几个人来吃晚餐, 准确地说是13个人。





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