单词 | flat |
释义 | flat¹ 1.(level)平的;平坦的 The countryside around here is almost completely flat.这里的乡下几乎是一马平川。 a flat roof平屋顶 a flat calm(海面的)平静状态 We started our voyage in a flat calm.我们在一片风平浪静中开始了航行。 2.(smooth)平滑的 Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry.只要表面平滑、坚固而且干燥, 瓷砖就能贴住。 3.(shallow)浅的;扁的 Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand.埃伦单手托着一个方形扁盒子走在车行道上。 Cook it in a flat dish.用浅盘烹煮。 4.(in complete contact with)紧贴的 flat against sth紧贴着某物的 We can push the sofa back so that it's flat against the wall.我们可以把沙发向后推一下, 让它紧贴着墙。 5.(without high heels)+ shoes低跟的;平跟的;+ heels低的 People wear slacks, sweaters, flat shoes, and all manner of casual attire for travel.人们穿休闲裤、毛线衫、低跟鞋以及各式各样的休闲服装出行。 6.(deflated)+ tyre瘪的;漏气的 I've got a flat tyre.我的轮胎瘪了。 7.<英>(fully discharged)+ battery没电的;电量耗尽的 His car alarm had been going off for two days and, as a result, the battery was flat.他的汽车警报器连着响了两天, 结果把电池耗尽了。 8.(no longer fizzy)+ beer, champagne不起泡的;跑了气的 to go flat跑气 Could this really stop the champagne from going flat?这真的能让香槟不跑气吗? 9.(expressionless)+ voice无变化的;单调的;平淡的 Her voice was flat, with no question or hope in it.她的声音平淡, 没有质问, 也不抱希望。 10.(dull)沉闷的;无趣的;乏味的 The past few days have seemed comparatively flat and empty.相对而言, 过去的几天似乎比较沉闷无聊。 It is a long time since a party leader delivered such a dreadfully flat speech as he did yesterday.很久没有政党领导人作他昨天那样乏味透顶的演说了。 11.(jaded)无精打采的 to feel flat感到无精打采 You often feel rather flat when you get home from a holiday.度完假回到家里经常会感到无精打采。 12.(insipid, flavourless)(食物)淡而无味的 It is just me or does this stuff taste flat to everyone?就我自己还是大家都觉得这东西淡而无味呢? 13.(inactive)(贸易、市场等)呆滞的, 不景气的, 萧条的 This is the flat time of the year for our business.这是我们一年中的业务淡季。 Business has been pretty flat for the last couple of weeks.过去几个星期业务一直很不景气。 14.(unqualified)+ denial, refusal断然的;坚决的 The Foreign Ministry has issued a flat denial of any involvement.外交部已经坚决否认参与其中。 She expected disapproval, but not the flat condemnation she actually received.她预料到会有人不赞成, 但没想到却遭到断然谴责。 15.(fixed-rate)+ fee固定的;不变的 Sometimes there's a flat fee for carrying out a particular task.有时执行某项特定的任务有固定的价码。 Medicare is preparing to cut all payments by a flat 2%.老年保健医疗计划正准备将所有支付金额统一减少2%。 16.【音】(semitone lower)降音的;降半音的 B flat(note)降B音符 (key)降B调 Schubert's B flat Piano Trio舒伯特降B大调钢琴三重奏 17.【音】(out of tune)+ note音调偏低的;+ voice, singing走调的 He had been fired because his singing was flat.他因为唱歌走调被解雇了。 18.【体】(赛马)平地的;(跑道、赛马场)无障碍的 19.(relating to flat racing)(无障碍)平地赛马的 20.【艺术,摄】(lacking contrast)(印刷品、照片、绘画)颜色缺乏层次的, 色彩不鲜明的 21.(matt)+ paint无光泽的 22.(without perspective)+ painting平涂的;平板的;无景深的;无立体感的 23.(diffuse)(照明)不集中的, 分散的 24.as flat as a pancake十分平坦的;一马平川的 My home state of Illinois is flat as a pancake.我的家乡伊利诺伊州地势极为平坦。 flat²1.(in or into a level position)lie +平直地;水平地 She held her hand out flat.她把一只手平伸出来。 We laid the map flat on the table.我们把地图平摊在桌子上。 The corn had been blown flat by the gale.大风把玉米吹得倒伏在地上。 to throw yourself flat伏倒在地 Two men near him threw themselves flat and covered their heads with their arms.他身旁的两个男人直挺挺趴倒在地上, 双手抱头。 2.(out of tune)sing, play +音调偏低地;走调地 She had a tendency to sing flat.她唱歌爱走调。 3.(exactly)刚好;正好 in 10 minutes flat用不多不少10分钟 I had it all explained to me in two minutes flat.我用了两分钟就让人把一切都向我解释清楚了。 4.<非正式>(completely)完全地;彻底地;断然地 He asked her to go out with him, but she turned him down flat.他约她出去, 但她断然拒绝了他。 flat broke不名一文;身无分文;一贫如洗 Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole.两年后, 他不名一文, 靠失业救济金过活。 5.to fall flat joke, attempt +失败 The event fell pretty flat because not enough people turned up for it.这场活动完全失败了, 因为来参加的人数不够。 6.to fall flat on its face完全失败 If it wasn't for the main actress, Ellen Barkin, the plot would have fallen flat on its face.要不是女主角埃伦·巴尔金, 这一情节就完全失败了。 7.to fall flat on your face扑通一声向前摔倒;扑通一声摔了个嘴啃泥 A man walked in off the street, tripped over a step and fell flat on his face.一个男人从街上走了进来, 在台阶上绊了一下, 扑通一声摔趴下了。 flat³1.<尤英>(apartment)公寓;单元房 Sara lives with her husband and children in a flat in central London.萨拉和丈夫以及孩子们住在伦敦市中心一套公寓里。 2.<新西兰>(shared house)(与他人合住的)公寓 3.(flat object or surface)平面;平坦部分 the flat of sth…的平面 eight cloves of garlic crushed with the flat of a knife用刀面拍碎的8瓣大蒜 Lay the lace flat and beat it with the flat of your hand to work in the starch.把饰带放平, 然后用掌面拍打, 以便上浆。 4.(low-lying land)低洼地;(尤指)沼泽地 5.(mud bank)沙洲;浅滩 alligators sunning themselves on the flats在沙洲上晒太阳的短吻鳄 The salt marshes and mud flats attract large numbers of waterfowl.盐沼和泥滩吸引了大量水鸟。 6.【音】(accidental that lowers pitch)降半音符号 7.【音】(flattened note)降半音 8.【戏剧】(for stage set)景片 9.<非正式>(flat tyre)漏气轮胎;瘪车胎 10.the flat<英>=flat racing 11.the flat<英>=flat season 12.【海】(boat)平底船 13.<美,加拿大>(shallow tray)浅箱;浅苗床 14.on the flat在平地上 He had angina and was unable to walk for more than 200 yards on the flat.他患有心绞痛, 在平地上最多能走200码。 flat⁴🄰 vt. 1.<美>(reduce by a semitone)给…降半音 2.<罕>(make flat)使降低音调 🄱 vi. 1.<澳,新西兰>(live in a flat)住公寓 They had been flatting together for the best part of 10 years.他们10年中大部分时间都合住公寓。 to flat with sb和某人同住公寓 I flatted with a guy in Earl's Court when I lived in London.我在伦敦时和一个人同住过伯爵府的公寓。 2.<罕>(become flat)变平 |
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