

单词 to keep at it
6.to keep at it坚持下去

It may take a number of attempts, but it's worth keeping at it.可能要尝试很多次, 但是这值得坚持。

We must keep at it.我们必须坚持下去。

7.to keep going
(keep moving ahead, not give up)(身处困境时)继续坚持下去, 不放弃

We had to borrow money to keep going with the business.我们不得不借钱维持生意。

8.to keep your head down
(to avoid someone's gaze)低下头(避免与某人对视)

He kept his head down, hiding his features.他低着头, 不让人看到他的脸。

<英,非正式>(to avoid danger, controversy)低下头(避免危险、争论)

The minority had learned to keep their heads down and keep their mouths shut.少数派已经学会了低下头、闭上嘴。

<英,非正式>(work, study hard)埋头苦学;埋头苦干

But he kept his head down and concentrated on his studies.但是他埋头苦干, 全神贯注于他的研究。

See keep




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