

单词 fair
释义 fair¹ /feə/ adj.
1.(just, reasonable)合理的;公平的;公正的
the fair treatment of minorities对少数族群的公平对待

It didn't seem fair to leave out her father.将她父亲排除在外似乎不公平。

it's not fair!这不公平!
2.(free of cheating)没有欺骗的;符合准则的;公正合法的
a fair fight光明正大的竞争

Independent observers say the campaign's been very much fairer than expected.独立观察员说竞选比预期要公平得多。

3.(not inconsiderable)相当大的
a fair number相当大的数量
a fair amount相当多

They travel a fair amount.他们游历甚广。

a fair amount of sth相当多的…

The job involves a fair amount of travelling.这份工作需要经常出差。

a fair distance相当远的距离

a fair distance away离得相当远

a fair bit相当多

I spent a fair bit of time finding directions.我花了不少时间才找到了路。

4.(good enough)一般的;尚可的;不错的

I have a fair chance of winning.我有一定胜算。

Reimar had a fair command of English.赖马尔的英语水平还不错。

a fair piece of work一份不错的工作

to have a fair idea of sth相当了解…

I have a fair idea of what he's likely to do.我十分了解他可能要干什么。

it's a fair guess to say that …很可能···

It's a fair guess to say that the damage will be extensive.很可能会损失惨重。

5.(blonde)+ hair浅色的;淡色的

He's got fair hair.他有一头浅色头发。

6.(pale)(肤色)浅的, 白皙的

It's important to protect my fair skin from the sun.保护我白皙的皮肤不受日晒是很紧要的。

7.+ person白肤金发的

Both children were very like Robina, but were much fairer than she was.两个孩子都很像罗比娜, 但皮肤更白, 头发更加金黄。

8.(good)+ weather晴好的;晴朗的;无云的

The weather was fair.天气晴朗。

a spell of fair weather一段时间的晴朗天气


the fair city of Verona美丽的维罗纳城


It has been a fair old shock.这可真的是一桩旧事。

12.【海】+ wind, tide有利于航行的;顺的

most fair return of greetings对祝贺的礼貌周全的回应

fair words花言巧语
fair passage顺利的航行
16.<过时>(legible)(笔迹)清楚的, 易读的

This is a fair hand, an educated hand.这样的笔迹清楚易读, 是有素养的书法。

17.to be fairorlet's be fair说句公道话;平心而论

To be fair, she never claimed she'd be able to do it.说句公道话, 她从未宣称自己能做得到。

And, let us be fair, some MPs do work hard.而且, 说句公道话, 有些下院议员工作还是很卖力的。

18.a fair crack of the whipora fair shake of the dice<澳>a fair go<非正式>公平的机会;均等的机会

All we want is a fair crack of the whip.我们要求的只是公平的机会。

19.fair do's<非正式>(agreeing)那是公平的;可以

Ok, fair do's.行, 那是公平的。

(objecting)不行, 那样不公平;不行, 要公平合理

Fair do's!不行, 要公平合理

20.fair enough<主口>(okay)(说法、决定或行为)有些道理, 说得过去

If you don't like it, fair enough, but that's hardly a justification to attack the whole thing.如果你不喜欢, 这说得过去, 但把它批得一无是处就没什么道理了。

Fair enough, you didn't have a perfectly happy childhood: but your childhood is over now.没错, 你的童年生活不那么幸福:但童年已经过去了。

<口>(I see)有道理;说得对;敢情好

The message was addressed to me and I don't see why I should show it to you.—Fair enough.这条信息是写给我的, 我不明白为什么要给你看。——说得在理。

21.fair go!<澳,新西兰,非正式>得了吧!我才不信呢!
22.fair to middling中等水平的
23.it's fair to say可以说;应该说

It would be fair to say he had one or two unhappy moments out there.可以这么说, 他在那里有过一两次不愉快。

I think it's fair to say that it didn't sound quite right.我想应该说那听起来可不太对。

fair² /feə/ adv.

Act fair now!办事要公平!


The question caught him fair off guard.这个问题可把他给问住了。


fair tired非常疲倦

4.fair and square光明正大地;诚实地

There are no excuses. We were beaten fair and square.我们输得没话好说, 对方赢得光明正大。

5.to play fair做事光明正大;行事正直

The government is not playing fair, one union official told me.政府在搞鬼, 一位工会官员告诉我。

fair³ /feə/ n.
1.(commercial)(尤指某类商品的)展销会, 交易会
an antiques fair古玩交易会
See alsotrade fair
4.【农】(sale of livestock)(尤指进行牲口交易的)集市, 市场
Culture Note
state fair
每逢秋季,美国所有的州都会举行州博览会(state fair),吸引全州各地的民众前往参观。这种博览会本质上是农产品展销会,除了出售农产品、食品、工艺品,还有游戏和动物竞赛环节,此外还设有产品展示摊位。得克萨斯州博览会是全美最大的州博览会,每年10月在达拉斯举行。
英国则举办农业展览会(agricultural show),该展会相当于美国的州博览会,包括从本地的小型活动到持续数天的大型展览等各项内容,比如爱丁堡郊外的皇家高地展览会和皇家诺福克展览会。英国这类展会的另一个特色是设有吸引少年儿童的露天游乐项目。
fair⁴ /feə/ vi.
<方>(天气)转好, 放晴




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