

单词 explosive
释义 explosive¹ /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv/ n.

150 pounds of explosive150磅炸药

Traces of explosives were found.爆炸物的痕迹被发现了

explosive² /ɪkˈspləʊsɪv/ adj.
1.(capable of exploding)+ substance易爆炸的;会爆炸的;可引起爆炸的;+ effect爆炸性的

Highly explosive gas is naturally found in coal mines.煤矿中天然存有高爆气体。

Modern bullets produce an explosive effect upon impact.现代子弹在撞击时会产生爆炸效力。

2.(dangerous)+ situation危险的;千钧一发的

He appeared to be treating the potentially explosive situation with some sensitivity.他似乎正小心谨慎地应对可能一触即发的局势。

Nobody knows what explosive arguments the future of Europe will bring.没有人知道欧洲的未来这一议题会引起怎样爆炸性的讨论。

3.(controversial)+ issue有争议的;有争论的

Unemployment has become the most explosive political issue.失业已成为最有争议的政治问题。

4.(hot-tempered)+ person易怒的;暴躁的;+ temper火爆的;暴躁的

She was unpredictable, explosive, and impulsive.她难以捉摸、脾气暴躁且冲动鲁莽。

He has inherited his father's explosive temper.他遗传了其父暴躁的脾气。

5.+ growth爆炸性的;迅猛的

The explosive growth in casinos is one of the most conspicuous signs of Westernization.西化最显著的标志之一就是赌场的骤增。

6.+ noise突然爆发的

an explosive drumbeat突然响起的鼓声

He made a loud, explosive noise of disgust.他反感地爆发出一阵叫嚷。





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