

单词 extend
释义 extend /ɪkˈstend/
🄰 vt.

We decided to extend our visit by another day.我们决定将访问延长一天。

The authorities extended her visa.当局将她的签证延期了。

They indicated their willingness to extend the contract.他们表明了想要延长合同的意愿。


Have you ever thought of extending your house?你有没有想过把你的房子扩建一下?

3.(make longer)使展开;伸展

The table had been extended to seat 50.这张桌子被展开到可坐50人。

4.(broaden scope of)扩大…的范围;波及

This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range.今年他们发布了3种新产品, 以扩大产品范围。

The law was extended.这部法律的适用范围扩大了。

5.(offer)+ invitation提出;提供;给予

The invitation she had extended was accepted.她发出的邀请被接受了。

The banks agreed to extend credit for the purchase of new equipment.银行同意为购置新设备提供信贷。

to extend an offer of sth提供某物
6.(hold out)伸, 展开, 伸开(手臂等)

He extended his hand, and Brody shook it.他伸出手, 布罗迪握了一下。

to extend sth to sb向某人伸出…

Marshall extended his hand to Kelly.马歇尔向凯利伸出了手。

7.+ body伸展;舒展

You identify the able pupils and you extend them and you push them forward.你识出有才华的学生, 锤炼他们, 推其上进。

9.【会计】(carry forward)扩大;扩展
🄱 vi.

The road extends two kilometres beyond the river.这条路过了河又延伸了两公里。

The caves extend for some 18 kilometres.那些洞穴深约18公里。

Our personal space extends about 12 to 18 inches around us.我们的个人空间是周围12到18英寸的范围。

to extend over sth涉及…;延伸至…;延续至…

The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.这块新领土面积可达加拿大大陆面积的五分之一。

2.(jut out)伸出;凸出

A brightly coloured awning extended from the wall.墙上伸出来一块色彩艳丽的雨篷。

3.(be extendable)可延长;可展开;可扩张

a table which extends to accommodate extra guests展开后可坐更多客人的桌子

The table extends to 220cm.桌子展开后长220厘米。


a career that extended from 1894 to 1920从1894年延续至1920年的职业生涯

to extend into sth持续到…

His working day often extends well into the evening.他一天的工作常常持续到晚上。

to extend over sth持续…

The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.这些课程每周上一节课, 每节两个小时, 持续25周。


The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux.高铁拟从巴黎延伸至波尔多。

The trees extended throughout the area.这些树在这一地区到处都有。

6.to extend beyond sth

the fields that extend beyond the hawthorn hedge延伸到山楂树篱之外的田地

(be more than sth)多于…;超出…

His influence extends beyond the TV viewing audience.他的影响扩展到电视观众之外。

Phrasal Verbextend to




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