

单词 string
释义 string¹ /strɪŋ/ n.
1.(for tying, fastening)细绳;线;带子

He held out a small package tied with string.他拿出一个用细绳捆着的小包裹。

a piece of string一根细绳
on a string拴在细绳(或带子)上的

a shiny metallic coin on a string拴在细绳上的闪亮的金属硬币

2.(row)+of beads, pearls, onions, fairy lights, bulbs一串

She wore a string of pearls around her neck.她脖子上戴着一串珍珠。

a string of onions suspended from a ceiling hook吊在屋顶挂钩上的一串洋葱

3.(succession, series)+of cars, villages一列;一排;+of people, events, successes, excuses一连串;一系列

He is one of a string of people interrogated by the police.他是被警察挨个儿盘问的一批人中的一个。

A string of five rowing boats set out from the opposite bank.五只划艇排成一行从对岸出发了。

The incident was the latest in a string of attacks.这是一连串袭击事件中最近的一起。

The band had a string of hits and successful albums.这支乐队发行了一系列热门歌曲和成功的唱片。

We were given a string of excuses.别人给了我们一连串的理由。

4.(troupe)(属于某人或与其有关的)一系列, 一连串, 一组

He owns a string of racehorses.他有一群赛马。

By the time he was thirty he owned a string of restaurants.他30岁时拥有了几家连锁餐厅。

5.【音】+of instrument
6.+of tennis racket, squash racket弦;线
7.【植】+of celery, rhubarb, pod纤维;筋
9.(sequence)+of symbols, words

a string of characters一个字符串

13.【建】=string course stringer, 1
14.【台】=lag², 3
15.how long's a piece of string?很难说(对有关时间等细节问题作出模糊回答的俗套说法)

How long is long enough? — How long's a piece of string?多久才够久呢?——很难说。

16.to keep sb on a string(尤指在情感上)操纵某人, 支配某人

She's keeping you on a string, using you as a fall-back in case something happens with her current man.她将你玩弄于股掌之间, 一旦现任男人出了问题就拿你当后备。

17.to pull strings<非正式>拉关系;走后门

Tony is sure he can pull a few strings and get you in.托尼确信能拉拉关系让你进去。

18.to pull the strings幕后操纵;暗中控制

Who's pulling the strings?谁在幕后操纵?

19.a string to your bow
(ability, attribute)能力;准备

That's not the only string to his bow.他不只是有那一手。

to add another string to your bow做好两手准备
to have more than one string to your bow多做准备
20.with no strings attachedorwith no strings不带附加条件

Aid should be given to developing countries with no strings attached.应该无条件对发展中国家提供援助。

string² /strɪŋ/ adj.
1.【音】+ section, player弦乐器的
2.(mesh)+ vest, bikini, bag织线的;网眼的
string³ /strɪŋ/(strings,stringing,strung)
🄰 vt.
1.(put strings on)+ racket, musical instrument, guitar给…装弦

He had strung a banner across the wall.他在墙上拉了一条横幅。

They were stringing white lights from the ceiling.他们当时正把白色的灯吊在天花板上。

I slept in a hammock strung between two trees.我睡在悬于两棵树之间的吊床上。

3.(thread on string)+ pearls, beads, onions用细绳(或线等)串

Then string the onions and hang in a cool, airy shed.然后用细绳把洋葱串起来, 挂在凉爽通风的棚子里。

4.(in a series)使排成一行;把…连在一起

when a child begins to string words into sentences当小孩子开始组词造句

The villages were strung along the river for some thirty miles.那些村庄沿河排开, 绵延了大约30英里。

5.【烹】+ vegetables, celery, rhubarb去掉…的纤维;+ beans抽去…的筋
🄱 vi.
1.(become stringy)viscous substance +成丝状;成线状
2.【台】=lag¹, 3
Phrasal Verbsstring along,string on,string out,string together,string up




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