

单词 exhibition
释义 exhibition /ˌeksɪˈbɪʃən/ n.
1.(in museum, gallery)展览(会);展示会
an exhibition of expressionist art表现派画展

Did you see the Shakespeare exhibition?你看了莎士比亚的作品展了吗?

an exhibition on the natural history of the area该地区的自然历史展览会

to be on exhibition被展出

Five large pieces of the wall are currently on exhibition in London.这堵墙的五大碎块目前正在伦敦展出。

2.(show)+of skill, activity表演;秀

He treated the fans to an exhibition of power and speed.他为粉丝们展示了他的力量和速度。

a judo exhibition一场柔道表演

3.<正式>(display)+of quality, feeling, type of behaviour表现;显露;流露

a remarkable exhibition of courage充分显示出的勇气

an exhibition of temper发脾气;发飙

He was ashamed of himself for his exhibition of temper.他为自己发脾气感到羞愧。

5.to make an exhibition of yourself当众出丑;丢人现眼;被人围观

I wish he wouldn't make such an exhibition of himself.我希望他不要这样当众出丑。

I was wearing bright orange eye shadow. 'Don't make an exhibition of yourself' is what he said.我画了亮橙色的眼影。他说了句“别出洋相了”。





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