

单词 errant
释义 errant /ˈerənt/ adj.
1.<古,文>+ knight, lady(常置于所修饰名词之后)游侠的, 漫游的, 周游的

Don Quixote is not an ordinary knight errant.堂吉诃德不是普通的游侠骑士。

2.+ child, relative犯错误的;走入歧途的
3.+ spouse, partner出轨的;不忠的

Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.通常他接手的案子都涉及不忠的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。

4.+ priest有恋童癖的
5.+ shot, throw, pass, missile偏离目标的

Both golfers recovered from errant tee shots to make par.两个高尔夫球手开球打偏后都找回了状态, 打出了标准杆。

Twelve adults and children were injured when an errant rocket shot into the crowd.一个跑偏的火箭式烟火飞进人群, 导致12个成人和孩子受伤。

Foote made an errant pass in the offensive zone.富特在进攻区传球失误。





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