

单词 effort
effort ★★★
1  C/U  an attempt to do something that is difficult or involves hard work 努力;尝试

an effort to do sth The restructuring was part of an effort to boost company profits. 改组是为提高公司利润所做的一部分尝试。

in an effort to do sth Detectives are talking to other witnesses in an effort to corroborate her confession. 侦探们正在与其他证人交谈,为的是证实她的供词。

make an effort to do sth Make a conscious effort to drink less tea and coffee. 要有意识地少喝茶和咖啡。

make little/no effort The drivers made no efforts to check their vehicles. 司机们懒得对自己的车辆进行检查。

an effort of will/imagination/memory She was trembling violently, but with a determined effort of will she stopped. 她颤抖得厉害,但凭着坚强的意志力,她不再发抖了。

despite sb’ s efforts The man died despite the doctors’ efforts to revive him. 尽管医生们尽力抢救,那个人还是死了。

a concerted/joint effort (=made together) a concerted effort by the nations of the world to protect our environment 共同努力

2  singular/U  physical or mental energy needed to do something 力气;精力

The aim is to obtain maximum reward for minimum effort. 目的就是花最少的力气而取得最大的回报。

physical/mental effort The sheer physical effort of shopping is a burden to most of us. 单单购物所耗费的体力对我们大多数人来说就是个负担。

take/require effort Writing a book requires a lot of time and effort. 写书需要大量的时间和精力。

put effort into sth Mary put a lot of effort into this project. 玛丽在这个项目上花了很大力气。

with an effort Nathan controlled his temper with an effort. 内森尽力控制自己的情绪。

3  C  the activities of people who are working together to achieve a particular aim (为达到某一目的而进行的)行动

international relief efforts 国际救济行动

4  C  informal   something that someone produces or creates, often something of poor quality (常表示质量不高的)成果

His first effort in 1991 was a collection of short stories. 他在1991年写出来的第一部作品是一本短篇故事集。

As smiles went it was a poor effort. 尽管笑了,但笑得很勉强。

5  C  mainly journalism   an attempt to score a goal in football (足球中的)射门
-   be an effort mainly spoken
to be difficult , tiring , or boring to do

It’ s sometimes a real effort just to get up in the mornings. 早上起床有时候就真是件很困难的事。

-   make the/an effort (to do sth) mainly spoken
to do something even though you do not want to or you find it difficult

I wish you’ d make the effort to get on with her. 我希望你能试着去和她相处。

  Words frequently used with effort
  effort 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   big, brave, combined, concerted, determined, feeble, great, individual, joint, last-ditch, massive, solo, sustained, team, vain, valiant, wasted,
When you put a lot of effort into doing something, it is like using a part of your body .
当花很大气力做某事时,就好像动用了身体的某个部分 (using a part of your body)。
Does she have the backbone to stand up to them? Or will she just give in?她有勇气与他们对抗吗?还是她要屈从?
You have to put your back into it.你得全力以赴。
They only succeeded by using their political muscle.他们是靠动用政治力量才获得成功的。
Put a bit more elbow grease into it.再多用点儿劲。
My heart’ s not really in it.我的心思没有真的放在这上面。
I had to sweat my guts out to get it done in time.为了把它及时完成,我得拼命
We must all put our shoulders to the wheel. 我们大家都得全力以赴。
Just try to put your best foot forward now.现在要全力以赴。
I’ ve been keeping my nose to the grindstone.我一直在努力工作。
He was the kind of boss who liked to get his hands dirty.他是那种喜欢事必躬亲的老板。




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