

单词 help
help 1 ★★★
1  I/T  to give someone support or information so that they can do something more easily 帮助;帮忙

If you are finding that difficult I could help you. 如果你觉得那很难,我可以帮你。

Mary was anxious to help. 玛丽急切地想帮忙。

help sb (to) do sth Can you help me find my glasses? 你能帮我找找眼镜吗?

help sb with sth Her brother offered to help her with her homework. 她兄弟提出要帮她做作业。

help sb through sth They helped me through a very difficult time. 他们帮我度过了一段非常困难的时期。

1a to support someone when they move from one position to another or when they do some other action 扶;协助

I’ ll help you to the door. 我扶你到门口。

Can I help you off with your coat (=help you to take it off) ? 我能帮你脱掉外套吗?

2  T  to give someone something , especially food or drink 把(某物,尤指食物或饮料)给(某人)

help sb to sth Can I help you to more vegetables? 再给你弄些蔬菜好吗?

help yourself to sth (=take some of it) Help yourselves to more wine. 自取某物

2a to steal something 偷某物

He’ d been helping himself to money from my purse for months. 几个月来他一直从我的钱包里偷钱。

3  I/T  to make a situation better (使)好转

More police officers on the streets would help. 街上多一些警察会好些。

Organic methods help the environment. 施用有机肥料对环境有好处。

3a to make it easier to achieve something 促进;有利于

help (to) do sth The new measure will help boost trade. 新措施有利于促进贸易。

We hope this helps to clarify the situation. 我们希望这有助于澄清事态。

+towards Further study will help towards a better understanding of the problem. 进一步的研究将有助于更好地理解这个问题。

-   cannot/can’ t help sth
1 used for saying that someone cannot stop themselves doing something 忍不住做某事;无法停止做某事

She couldn’ t help laughing when she saw it. 她看到它的时候忍不住大笑起来。

I shouldn’ t have said it but I couldn’ t help myself. 我当时不应该说,但我管不住自己。

can’ t help thinking (=have good reason for thinking) I couldn’ t help thinking he was asking for trouble. 不禁觉得

2 used for saying that someone cannot be blamed for a situation 如果…怪不了(某人)

She could not help it if her emotions took charge of her. 如果她情绪失控,那也不能怪她。

3 there is no way of preventing something from happening 实在没办法;无法避免

It can’ t be helped, we’ ll just have to manage without her. 实在没办法,我们只好在没有她的情况下自己应付了。

4 used for saying that someone is trying to avoid something they do not like doing 如果能不…的话,他/她/我等就避免(做某事)

They never go there if they can help it. 如果能不去那儿的话,他们是绝对不去的。

-   help yourself spoken
used for giving someone permission to do or use something

‘Do you mind if I use the phone?’ ‘Help yourself.’ “我能用一下电话吗?”“随便用吧。”

ˌhelp ˈout
to help someone , especially by doing a particular job or by giving them money (尤指通过做某事或给钱)帮助(某人)

My family has always helped me out. 我家里人总是帮我的忙。

+with He always helped out with the housework. 他总是帮忙做家务。

Helping people is like supporting them physically , for example with your body or with something that you build.
帮助人就像给予有形的支撑(supporting physically),如身体或制作的东西。
You can rely on their support.你可以依靠他们的支持。
You can always lean on me.你总是可以依靠我。
I need someone to hold my hand – I can’ t do it on my own.我需要有人手把手地指导,我自己不会做。
I need a shoulder to cry on.我需要找个人诉诉苦。
Let me lend a hand.让我来帮一把。
They gave me a helping hand/a leg-up.他们助了我一臂之力。
She put her life in their hands.她把自己的命运交到了他们的手中。
The government stepped in to prop/shore up the fishing industry.政府介入进来支持渔业。
They made some constructive comments/suggestions.他们给了一些建设性的评论/建议。
She’ s a pillar of the community.她是该社区的顶梁柱。
See also ->responsibility




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