

单词 discharge
discharge 2 ★★
1  C/U  a situation in which someone is allowed to leave an institution such as a hospital , a prison , or the army 获准离开;出院;出狱;退伍

+from Many patients require ongoing care after discharge from hospital. 许多病人要求出院后继续接受护理。

Jack was given an early discharge from the army after being severely wounded in battle. 由于在战斗中受重伤,杰克提前退伍。

1a a situation in which someone who has been accused of a crime is judged to be not guilty and officially allowed to leave prison or a court of law (无罪)释放
2  C/U  liquid or gas that comes out of a place , or the process of coming out into water or the air 流出(物);排出(物)

+from The authorities are particularly concerned about discharges from nuclear power stations. 当局特别关注核电站的排放物。

+of a discharge of oil into the River Tees 对蒂斯河的石油排放

2a a liquid that comes out from a part of someone’ s body when they are ill (患病时人体器官流出的)分泌物

a vaginal/nasal discharge 阴道/鼻腔分泌物

3  U  the act of performing a duty or responsibility (职责的)履行

You will be responsible for the efficient discharge of your duties. 你有责任高效履行自己的职责。

4  singular  formal   the act of firing a weapon (武器的)发射,开火
5  singular  formal   the payment of money that you owe (债务的)清偿
6  C/U  science   the flow of electricity , for example from a piece of equipment or during a storm 放电




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