

单词 disappear
disappear ★★★
VERB  I   
1 if someone or something disappears, they move somewhere where they can no longer be seen 消失;不见

Dave said good night to everyone and quickly disappeared upstairs. 戴夫向大家道了晚安,然后很快上楼去了。

The moon disappeared behind the clouds. 月亮消失在云后。

disappear from view She was still waving as the train disappeared from view. 火车已经从视野里消失了,但她还在挥手。

2 to no longer happen or exist 不再发生;不复存在

The symptoms should disappear within a few days. 症状应该会在几天内消失。

3 to be impossible to find 找不到;失踪

The letter I had left on my desk had disappeared. 我放在桌子上的信不见了。

the thousands of people who have disappeared in the war 在战争中失踪的成千上万的人

+from She disappeared from a London hotel on Monday and has not been seen since. 她星期一从伦敦的一家旅馆失踪,从那以后就没有人见过她。

disappear without trace/disappear into thin air (=disappear completely) The couple disappeared without trace while on holiday in France. 消失得无影无踪





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