

单词 alive
alive ★★★
ADJ never before noun  
1 living and not dead 活着的;在世的

My father died last year but my mother is still alive. 我父亲去年去世了,但我母亲依然在世。

He is lucky to be alive after his fall. 他摔下来后还能活着,真是幸运。

stay alive The family was stealing food just to stay alive. 这家人偷食物只是为了活命。

be buried/burned/captured etc alive (=while still living) The boat caught fire and the two men were burned alive. 被活埋/活活烧死/活捉等

1a still existing and not gone or forgotten 还存在的;不会忘却的

Memories of the controversy are still very much alive. 对那次争吵还记忆犹新。

keep sth alive Their goal was to keep alive the traditional Jewish faith. 他们的目标是保持传统的犹太信仰。

2 full of energy and feeling happy and excited 充满活力的;生气勃勃的;兴奋激动的

With the wind rushing through her hair she felt intensely alive. 风吹着她的头发,她感到活力充沛。

2a full of activity 热闹的

+with The street was alive with the sound of children playing. 街上传来孩子们玩闹的声音,非常热闹。

come alive The village really comes alive at Christmas. 圣诞节时村庄里开始真正热闹起来。

2b interesting and exciting 有趣味的;令人兴奋的

come alive The game really came alive after 25 minutes when Rogers scored. 在25分钟后罗杰斯进球得分时,比赛才真正开始激动人心。

-   alive and well/kicking
1 still living and healthy or active , especially when this is surprising 尚健在的;活蹦乱跳的

He was found alive and well after three days. 3天后他被人找到时居然还活蹦乱跳的。

2 still existing and not gone or forgotten , especially when this is surprising 还存在的;不被忘却的

The idea of marriage is still alive and kicking. 结婚的想法始终不曾忘却。

-   be alive to sth BRITISH
to know that something is happening and realize how important it is

Schools must be alive to technological change. 学校必须意识到技术的变化。





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