

单词 cold
cold 1 ★★★
1 with a low temperature , or a temperature that is lower than normal 冷的;寒冷的

The water was too cold for a shower. 那水用来冲澡太凉了。

1a used about the weather (天气)寒冷的

It was bitterly cold that day. 那天天气很冷。

a cold winter morning 一个寒冷的冬日早晨

1b used about people and places 感觉冷的;寒冷的

I was cold, hungry, and thirsty. 我既冷又饿,还很渴。

freezing cold Their house is always freezing cold. 他们的房子总是非常冷。

1c used about food that has been cooked but is not eaten hot (食物)冷食的

a selection of cold meats 可供选择的各种冷盘肉

2 not seeming friendly or sympathetic 冷淡的;不友好的;无同情心的

Her father was a cold and distant man. 她父亲是个很冷漠的人。

She received a rather cold response. 她得到的反应很冷淡。

3 cold colours are colours such as white , blue , and grey that make you think of things that are cold 冷色的
4 spoken   used especially in children’ s games to tell someone that they are not close to finding or guessing something (尤用于儿童游戏)离目标很远的,远未猜中的
-   in the coldlight of day
used for saying how people feel about emotional matters when they think about them later in a calmer way
-   leave sb cold
to not make someone at all interested or excited
-   pour/throwcoldwater on sth
to do or say something that spoils someone’ s plans or enthusiasm
-   sb’ s trail/scent has gone cold
it is difficult to find someone because it is a long time since they were seen
coldly  adv 
Other ways of saying :  cold
cool slightly cold, but often in a pleasant and comfortable way, especially during hot weather凉快的;(尤指热天)凉爽的: a cool evening breeze凉爽的晚风It’ s nice and cool in the shade.树阴下既舒适又凉快。
chilly cold enough to make you shiver and feel uncomfortable使人冷得发抖的;寒飕飕的: The evenings there can be chilly, so you’ ll need to take a jumper.那里晚上可能很冷,所以你需要带上羊毛衫。
frosty very cold, but often bright and clear, with layers of ice forming on the ground, the trees etc严寒的;霜冻的: Her breath turned to steam in the frosty air.她呼出的气体在寒冷的空气中变成了水汽。a fine frosty morning晴朗且有霜冻的早晨。
freezing cold/freezing extremely cold, especially when it is cold enough to turn rivers and pools of water to ice极冷的;冰冷的: a freezing cold day严寒的一天Shut the door, it’ s freezing out there!把门关上,外面冷极了!
bitter very cold and unpleasant, especially when there are strong cold winds严寒的;(尤指)寒风凛冽的: a bitter winter night严寒的冬夜。
See also
foot 1




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