

单词 clear
clear 2 ★★★
1  T  to remove people or things from a place where they are not wanted 清除;清理;移走

Millions of acres of tropical forest have been cleared. 几百万英亩的热带森林被一砍而光。

clear sth from sth Julia began to clear the dishes from the table. 朱莉娅开始收拾桌上的餐具。

clear sth of sth The ground should first be cleared of weeds. 首先得把这块地上的野草除掉。

clear a space for sb/sth He cleared a space on his desk for a cup of coffee. 他在书桌上腾出一个放咖啡的地方。

1a  I  if a place clears, the people in it leave it 空出来

The room cleared quickly after the final speeches. 最后几场演讲结束后,房间很快就空了出来。

2  T  to remove something that is blocking a place such as a road or passage 给…排除障碍;清理

The police cleared a way through to the front of the building. 警察清理出一条通到楼前的路。

2a  I  to stop being blocked 变畅通

Eventually the roads cleared and the traffic began to flow again. 道路终于变得畅通了,车辆又开始流动起来。

3  T  usually passive to prove officially that someone did not do something wrong 证明…无罪;解除…的嫌疑

be cleared of sth The two men were cleared of murder yesterday. 那两名男子昨天被排除了谋杀的嫌疑。

4  I  if the sky or the weather clears, the weather becomes brighter and there are no more clouds, rain etc (天气)变晴朗
5  I  if something such as smoke clears, it starts to disappear (烟雾等)开始消失

They waited while the mist cleared a little. 他们等到雾略微散去。

6  I  if a liquid clears, it becomes transparent after being filled with extremely small pieces of a substance (液体)变清澈
7  I  if your skin clears, it starts to become smooth and healthy (皮肤)变光滑,变健康
8  I  if someone’ s face clears, they stop looking annoyed , upset , or confused (表情)放松,舒展

She frowned for a moment, then her brow cleared. 她眉头紧锁了一会儿,然后又舒展开了。

9  I/T  if your mind or head clears, or if it is cleared, it stops being confused , tired , or affected by something such as alcohol (使)不再困惑;(使)变清醒

clear sth of sth Clear your mind of all negative thoughts. 把你脑子里那些消极的想法统统抛开。

10  T  to go over , under , or past an object without touching it (不接触地)越过,通过,穿过

One horse failed to clear the gate and was injured. 有一匹马没能越过栅门,受伤了。

clear sth by metres/inches etc The aircraft cleared the houses by only a few metres. 飞机在房屋上方仅几米处飞过。

11  I/T  if a cheque clears, or a bank clears it , the bank allows the money to be used 兑现,结算(支票)

How long will the cheque take to clear? 兑现这张支票需要多长时间?

12  T  to give or obtain permission for something to happen 批准;使获得许可

clear sth with sb You’ ll have to clear this project with head office. 你必须把这个项目提交总部批准。

12a to give a plane , ship , or person permission to enter or leave a place 准许(飞机、船或人)进入;准许(飞机、船或人)离开

clear sth for sth After half an hour the plane was cleared for take-off. 半小时以后,飞机被准予起飞。

12b to obtain permission to enter a country or take something into a country after being checked by officials 允许通过

clear immigration/customs/passport control Delays are often reported by passengers waiting to clear customs. 等待通关的旅客们经常抱怨受到耽搁。

clear sth through customs Someone from the embassy helped us to clear our baggage through customs. 大使馆的人帮我们通过了海关的行李检查。

13  T  to pay back all of the money that you owe to the person you borrowed it from 偿清

clear a debt Try to clear your existing debts first. 尽量先把现有债务还清。

14  T  informal   to earn a particular amount of money after paying taxes, charges, or costs 净赚

He clears about £500 a week. 他一个星期净挣500英镑左右。

15  T  to deal successfully with a problem 解决;成功地处理

clear an obstacle The company has cleared the main obstacle to concluding the sale. 公司已经清除了完成销售任务的主要障碍。

clear a hurdle The first hurdle to clear is persuading investors of the merits of the product. 要跨越的第一道障碍是使投资者相信该产品的优点。

16  T  to do all the work that you have to do 做完(所有工作)

clear a backlog Extra staff have had to be brought in to clear the backlog. 需要更多的员工来处理积压的工作。

17  I/T  if you clear a ball or if it clears in a game such as football , you succeed in kicking or hitting it away from your goal 将(球)踢出(或击出)己方球门区;(球)滚出己方球门区
-   clear the air
to discuss a problem or difficult situation with someone in order to make it better

I think it’ s time we cleared the air, don’ t you? 我认为我们该开诚布公地谈一谈了,你说呢?

-   clear the decks
to get rid of everything that is not needed or deal with everything that needs to be done so that you can start doing something more important

The Government has cleared the decks for an early general election. 政府已经为提前举行大选做好了一切准备。

-   clear your desk BRITISH
to get rid of everything from your desk because you are leaving your job
-   clear sb’ s name
to prove that someone did not do something that they were accused of

The men say they have been falsely accused and are determined to clear their names. 那些人说他们被冤枉了,并下决心要证明自己的清白。

-   clear the table
to remove all the dirty dishes etc from the table after a meal
-   clear your throat
to make a noise in your throat before you speak , so that you can speak without any difficulty
-   clear the way/ground for sth
to do what needs to be done so that something can happen without problems

The new law cleared the way for polytechnics to become universities. 新法规为技术学院升级为大学铺平了道路。

ˌclear ˈaway
to remove something that you have finished using or no longer want in order to make a place tidy 清除;收走

A young woman cleared away their empty cups. 一位年轻女子把他们的空杯子收走了。

You sit down – I’ ll clear away. 你坐着,我来收拾。

ˌclear ˈoff
to leave a place quickly 迅速离开;溜掉

They’ ve all cleared off and left me to clean this mess up. 他们全都溜了,只留下我收拾这个烂摊子。

a used for telling someone rudely to go away (粗鲁说法)滚开

Clear off, both of you! 你们俩都给我滚!

ˌclear ˈout
1  I/T  to make a place tidy by removing things that are not wanted 清理;整理

I’ m going to clear out the cupboards tomorrow. 我打算明天把碗橱彻底清理一下。

Isn’ t it about time you cleared out some of your junk? 难道你不觉得该清理一下自己的一些杂物吗?

2  I  informal   to leave a place quickly and often permanently 立刻离开;永远离开

+of I sometimes feel like clearing out of here altogether. 我有时候真想永远地离开这里。

2a used for telling someone rudely to leave a room or building 滚出去

Just clear out! 滚出去!

ˌclear ˈup
1  I  if the weather clears up , the clouds or rain go away (天气)变晴朗,转晴

It’ s supposed to clear up tonight. 今晚天气应该会转晴。

2  I/T  to make a place tidy by removing things that you have finished using or no longer want 清理;收拾

I’ ll clear up if you want to go to bed. 如果你想睡了,我来清理。

They started clearing up the mess. 他们开始清理那堆脏乱的东西。

3  T  to solve a problem or a mystery 解答;解释;澄清

Obviously the misunderstanding will have to be cleared up. 显然这一误解必须得到澄清。

The case was never cleared up. 那个案子一直没有弄清楚。

4  I/T  if an illness clears up , or if something clears it up , you stop being affected by it 痊愈;治愈

Most colds clear up after a few days. 多数感冒几天以后就会痊愈。

a lotion to clear up spots 祛斑液

ˌclear ˈup ˌafter
clear up after sb: to make a place tidy after someone else has made it untidy 跟在…后面收拾整理

I’ m sick to death of clearing up after you. 整天跟在你后面收拾整理,烦死我了。





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