

单词 business
business ★★★
1  U  the work of buying or selling products or services for money 买卖;交易;生意;商业

representatives from business and politics 来自商界和政界的代表

our latest business venture 我们最近的商业活动

the business community (=all the people who work in business) 商界

a business associate/partner 生意合伙人

the business section of the Sunday paper 星期日报纸的商业版

do business with sb I found them very easy to do business with. 我发现和他们做买卖很容易。

go into business It was a mistake to go into business with my brother. 和我兄弟一起经商是个错误。

1a used for talking about how well a company or industry is doing 营业;经营状况

We’ re hoping that business will improve this year. 我们希望今年的经营状况会好转。

Cheap imports are damaging our business. 低廉的进口商品正在使我们的生意受损。

Business was booming (=doing very well) . 生意很兴隆。

A little controversy will be good for business. 少量的争论对经营会有好处。

1b used for talking about how many customers or contracts a company or industry has 客户群;交易量

They’ re trying to attract business by cutting prices. 他们试图通过削价来招揽生意。

a potential source of new business 潜在的新客户群

Companies risk losing business if they don’ t accept the Euro. 公司如果不接受欧元就要冒亏损的风险。

1c a particular area of business 行业

What business are you in? 你在哪一行业工作?

the music/fashion/advertising etc business I have a few contacts in the music business. 我在音乐界有几个熟人。

1d used for talking about business compared to things that you do when you are not working 工作

Are you here for business or pleasure? 你在这里是工作还是来玩?

a business lunch/trip/meeting 商务午餐/商务旅行/工作会议

on business Jonathan was away on business. 乔纳森出差了。

2  C  an organization that buys or sells products or services for moneyThis word often refers to a small organization that is owned and run by one person or a few people , while company can also refer to large organizations 工商企业,公司,商店,营业所(该词常指一个人或几个人所拥有并经营的小机构,而company 也指大机构)

a small family business 小型家族企业

Matthew’ s little shop has turned into a thriving business. 马修的小店变成了兴隆的商行。

Many small businesses fold (=fail) in their first year. 许多小企业在头一年就倒闭了。

run a business Sheryl’ s parents run a small clothing business. 谢利尔的父母经营一家小服装店。

start your own business After leaving school, Bob started his own computer business. 鲍勃离开学校后就创建了自己的计算机公司。

3  singular/U  something that you have to deal with 事情;事务

Is there any other business to discuss? 还有其他事要讨论吗?

unfinished business (=things that need to be dealt with) We’ ve still got some unfinished business to settle. 需要处理的事

the business of (doing) sth Nancy had left the business of looking after the dog to her brother. 南希把照看狗的任务交给了她的兄弟。

3a used for saying that something is dangerous/serious etc 冒险/重要/棘手等的事

Disposing of chemicals can be a dangerous business. 处理化学品是件危险的事。

For Jack, golf is a serious business. 对于杰克来说,打高尔夫球是件重要的事。

4  U  something that affects or involves a particular person and no one else 个人事务

It’ s my business who I go out with. 我和谁一起出去是我自己的事。

5  singular  something that has happened, especially something that has caused problems and has been continuing for a long time (发生的)事情;(尤指)麻烦事

This business about housework has to be resolved. 家务劳动这件麻烦事得解决。

I’ m fed up with the whole business. 整个这件事让我觉得厌恶。

Ever since that business with her boyfriend, Becky’ s been really depressed. 和她男朋友发生那件事后,贝基十分沮丧。

-   be back in business
to be working or operating normally again

The weekly market is back in business after its winter break. 每周的集市在冬天的暂停后又恢复正常。

-   be the business BRITISH informal
to be very good

Those samples you sent us really are the business. 你寄给我们的那些样品确实非常好。

-   be in business
1 if a company is in business , it is operating normally 正在经营

The company has been in business for almost 100 years. 这家公司已经经营了将近100年。

2 informal   to be ready to do something , because all the necessary preparations have been made 准备就绪

Just connect the printer to your computer and you’ re in business. 只要把打印机连接到计算机上,你就准备就绪了。

-   be in the business of doing sth
used for saying what the basic aims of someone’ s actions or business activities are . This expression is often used when you think someone wants or expects something unreasonable

I am not in the business of selling my best players. 我并不想出售我最优秀的球员。

-   business as usual
used for describing a situation in which everything happens normally , especially after a period of time when things happen in a different way
-   business is business mainly spoken
used for telling someone that people do business to make money and therefore other things, such as people’ s feelings, do not matter
-   do the business BRITISH informal
1 to do what people want or expect you to do 把事办成;达到目的

We reckon our team’ s good enough to do the business (=win) . 我们认为我们队足够出色,肯定会赢。

2 to have sex 发生性关系
-   get down to business
to start doing something that you need to do

I have a plane to catch, so let’ s get down to business. 我要赶飞机,所以我们开始干正事吧。

-   go about your business
to do the things that you normally do

The street was full of people innocently going about their business. 街上到处都是为自己的工作奔波忙碌的人。

-   go out of business
if a company goes out of business , it stops doing business permanently, especially because it has failed
-   have no business doing sth
to do something you should not do , because it does not affect or involve you at all

You had no business going through my private papers. 你无权查看我的私人文件。

-   like nobody’ s business spoken
used for emphasizing that something happens very quickly , in very large quantities, or that someone does something very well

Letters have been pouring in like nobody’ s business. 信件纷至沓来。

-   make it your business to do sth
to make an effort to do something because you think it is important

She makes it her business to get to know all her staff. 她努力去了解她所有的员工。

-   mean business
to be very serious about something you have to do

This is not a game. We mean business. 这不是开玩笑,我们是认真的。

-   mind your own business
1 used for telling someone rudely that you are not going to tell them about something because it does not affect or involve them 你别管闲事;与你无关

‘Who were you with last night?’ ‘Mind your own business.’ “你昨晚和谁在一起?”“你别管闲事。”

2 to be doing the things you normally do , without affecting what other people are doing 做自己的事

There I was, minding my own business, when this man started yelling at me. 我正在那里做自己的事,这时这个男人开始朝我叫喊起来。

See also
funny business
monkey business




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