

单词 search
search 2 ★★★
1  I/T  to try to find something or someone by looking carefully 搜寻;搜索;搜查

After three days searching, I gave up. 搜寻了3天后我放弃了。

Simon searched his mind but couldn’ t come up with the answer. 西蒙绞尽脑汁但想不出答案。

+for Detectives have been brought in to help search for clues. 侦探被请来帮助搜寻线索。

+through Rescue teams are still searching through the wreckage for survivors. 救援队还在残骸中进行搜索,以期发现幸存者。

2  T  to carefully examine something or someone for something that is hidden 调查;细查

The police have arrested a man after searching his house. 警察在搜查了某男子的房子后逮捕了他。

3  T  computing   to use a computer to look for information , especially on the Internet (尤指在因特网上)搜索

I got most of the answers by searching the Net. 我通过网上搜索获得了大部分答案。

-   search me spoken
used for emphasizing that you do not know the answer to a question

‘Why would he bother to lie about it?’ ‘Search me.’ “他为什么非得撒谎呢?”“我怎么知道。”

ˌsearch ˈout
to work hard in order to find something 找出;查出

People need to search out the treatments that work best for them. 人们需要找出对他们来说最有效的治疗方法。

Searching for something is like hunting an animal, or like one animal hunting another.
I’ ve been hunting for that book all day.我一整天都在找那本书。
The detectives were on their trail at once.侦探们马上发现了他们的踪迹。
They managed to track down his childhood friends.他们成功地找到了他童年时的朋友。
We ran her to earth/ground in a London hotel.我们终于在伦敦的一家酒店里找到了她。
She was being hounded by photographers.她正被摄影师们紧追不舍。
The police swooped as soon as the gang appeared.这帮歹徒一出现警察们就猛扑了上去。
He was ferreting around in the desk.他在书桌里翻来找去。
She fished inside her bag for her wallet.她在包里摸着找钱包。
I trawled through the documents at the library.我在图书馆的文件里四处搜罗信息。
We had been completely thrown off the scent.我们彻底失去了线索。
There’ s no point in sniffing around here: you won’ t find anything.在这儿到处乱找没用:你不会发现什么的。
Searching and discovering information is like finding it by digging or searching in the ground.
搜索和发现信息就像从地上挖掘或寻找(digging or searching in the ground)信息。
Let me know if you dig up/turn up anything about him.如果你发现他的什么事情就告诉我。
I unearthed some useful facts and figures.我发掘出一些有用的情况和数据。
The facts only came to light after a long investigation.长期调查后实情才大白于天下。
We left no stone unturned in our search for the truth.为了查出实情,我们没有漏掉一丝线索。
The book is a mine/goldmine of information.这本书是个丰富的信息库。
I think that this will prove a rich seam to mine for your research.我想这对你的研究工作将是一个待开发的丰富矿藏。
It took me a long time to find it, but I finally struck gold/oil.这花了我很长时间才找到,但我最终还是成功了。
You need to put in a lot of spadework.你需要做很多辛苦的准备工作。
The journalists were grubbing around for something to print.记者们正在四处搜寻可发表的东西。
They raked up a lot of scandal.他们搜罗了许多丑闻。
See also ->knowledge
See also ->secret




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