/ˈbjʊərəʊ/ |
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1 | an organization that provides information or services (提供信息或服务的)问讯处,服务处 |
| an advice bureau 咨询处 |
| the Waste Management Information Bureau 废物管理问讯处 |
| 1a | an office where information is collected , for example for a news organization (收集信息的)办事处,分社,所 | | Newsweek’ s Paris bureau 《新闻周刊》巴黎分社 | |
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2 | BRITISH a piece of furniture with drawers and a top part that opens to make a writing table 书桌;写字台 |
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3 | MAINLY AMERICAN a government department or part of a government department (政府的)部,司,局,处,署 |
| the European Affairs Bureau 欧洲事务部 |
| 3a | the fbi in the US 美国联邦调查局 | |
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4 | AMERICAN a chest of drawers |