

单词 belief
belief ★★★
 C/U  a strong feeling that something is true or real 信心;信念;看法

This theory goes against the beliefs of most current political thinkers. 这个理论与当今大多数政治思想家的看法相违背。

+in a belief in the existence of UFOs 认为不明飞行物存在的看法

+that the mistaken belief that cocaine is not an addictive drug 认为可卡因不会使人上瘾的错误看法

popular/widely held/widespread belief There is widespread belief that an agreement has been made. 大家普遍认为已经签订了协议。

contrary to popular belief (=although most people think that something is true) Contrary to popular belief, nighttime is actually safer than the day. 与普遍的看法相反

firm/strong belief It is my firm belief that the government should act now. 我坚决认为政府现在应该采取行动。

growing belief There is a growing belief that she will resign. 越来越多的人认为她将辞职。

a  C/U  a strong feeling that something is right or good 信心;信任;信念

+in a belief in social justice 对社会正义的信心

+that the belief that women should be treated equally 认为女性应该受到同等对待的信念

b  C  an idea that you are certain is true , especially involving religion or politics (尤指宗教或政治的)信仰,观念,教义

Christian/Buddhist beliefs 基督教/佛教教义

+about/concerning our traditional beliefs about the origins of life 我们有关生命起源的传统观念

express belief Everyone is entitled to express their own personal beliefs. 每个人都有权表达个人的信仰。

-   beyond belief
1 used for emphasizing how bad something is (糟糕得)难以置信的

The conditions they are living in are beyond belief. 他们的居住条件令人难以置信。

2 extremely surprising or unreasonable , so that you cannot believe it (极度吃惊或不合理而)难以置信的

His greediness is beyond belief. 他的贪婪令人难以置信。

-   in the belief that
because you think that something is true

She wrote to him in the belief that he would help her. 她相信他会帮助她,所以写信给他。





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