

单词 writing
writing ★★★
1  U  things such as a books, poems, and newspaper articles 著作;诗歌;文章

historical writing that brings the past to life 把过去描写得栩栩如生的历史作品

+on/about There’ s a lot of interesting writing on the subject. 有许多关于这一主题的有趣文章。

1a used about words written or printed on something (书写或印刷在某物上面的)文字

All the writing on the machine was in German. 机器上的文字都是德文。

1b used about the individual way a particular person writes 书法;笔迹

I’ d recognize her writing anywhere. 我无论在什么地方都能认出她的笔迹。

2  U  the job or activity of creating books, poems, newspaper articles etc 写作职业;写作

He teaches a course in creative writing. 他教创造性写作这门课程。

3 writings  plural  all the books etc that someone has written (某人的)全部著作

Wordsworth’ s writings 华滋华斯的全部作品

-   in writing
in the form of a document , that you can keep as proof of something such as an agreement

put/give sth in writing Give full details of the incident in writing. 写下事件的全部细节。

get sth in writing (=ask for a document that you can keep as proof) Make sure you get all estimates of the cost in writing. 得到书面形式的某物

-   the writing is on the wall informal
used for saying it seems likely that something will soon go wrong or stop existing




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