

单词 press
press 2 ★★★
1  I/T  to push one thing against another 压;挤;按;贴

+against Her face was pressing against his chest. 她的脸正贴在他的胸前。

press sth against sth Children were pressing their faces against the window. 孩子们正把脸贴在窗户上。

press yourself against sth They had to press themselves against the wall to let the horse pass. 他们不得不贴墙而立,让马通过。

press sth to sth Even with the phone pressed to his ear, he couldn’ t hear what she was saying. 即使把电话机贴在耳朵上,他都无法听清楚她在说什么。

press sth into sth The minister pressed a bible into his hand. 牧师把一本《圣经》塞进他手里。

press down on sth He felt the enormous weight of the man pressing down on his back. 他感到那个人死沉的身子压在自己的背上。

1a  T  to push something such as a button or switch in order to make a piece of equipment start working 按,揿(按钮以便启动设备)

To read your email, press the return key. 要阅读你的电子邮件,请按返回键。

Could you press the button for the third floor, please? 请按一下3层的按钮好吗?

2  I  to move as a group by pushing together in a particular direction 挤着走

+forward A wave of protesters pressed forward towards the building. 抗议者的人潮朝大楼挤过去。

+around The crowd of fans began to press more closely around them. 球迷开始在他们周围挤得越来越密。

3  T  to try in a determined way to make someone do something or tell you something 催促;催逼

press sb abouton sth She continued to press him on the reasons for his decision. 她继续逼他说出所作决定的理由。

press sb into (doing) sth They had all been pressed into helping with the preparations for the party. 他们大家一直都是被催逼着去协助完成晚会的筹备工作。

press sb to do sth Managers are being pressed to ensure safety standards are met. 经理们被迫保证达到安全标准。

3a to try to make someone accept something such as an opinion or claim 竭力推行;竭力主张

press a point She gave no answer, so I didn’ t press the point. 她没有回答,因此我也就没有竭力坚持那个观点。

press a claim The young Duke of Normandy continued to press his claim to the English throne. 年轻的诺曼底公爵继续坚持声称他是英国的国王。

press a case He was in Washington today to press the case for reforming tax laws. 他今天正在华盛顿竭力推行税法改革的观点。

4  T  to make clothes smooth using a hot iron 熨平;压平
5  T  to squeeze fruit or vegetables in order to get juice or oil out of them 压榨;榨汁;榨油
6  T  to make CDs or records in a factory 制作(CD或磁带)
-   press sb’ s arm/hand
to squeeze someone’ s arm or hand gently as a way of expressing friendship , sympathy , or love
-   press charges (against sb)
to officially accuse someone of committing a crime
-   press the flesh informal
if a politician or other famous person presses the flesh , they meet and shake hands with a lot of people because they want to appear friendly and popular
-   press sth home/press home sth
1 to push something completely into its correct place 把某物推入准确位置
2 to repeat or explain something carefully so that you are certain someone understands it completely 解释清楚某事

The mayor’ s office is expected to press home its opposition to the budget proposals. 人们希望市长办公室能就其反对预算提案这件事给出清楚的解释。

3 to make full use of an advantage that you have over someone 充分利用自身优势
-   press sb/sth into service
1 to give someone a particular job or responsibility that they do not normally have 赶鸭子上架;让某人临时上阵

Local people are being pressed into service to help search for the girl. 当地人正被临时叫去协助寻找那个女孩。

2 to use an object for a purpose that it was not intended for 临时把某物派上用场;把某物充作(其他用途)

Wooden barrels are pressed into service as tables in Irish bars. 在爱尔兰的酒吧间里,这些木桶被当作桌子使用。

ˌpress aˈhead or ˌpress ˈon 
to continue doing something in a determined way , despite difficulties, opposition , or interruptions 奋力前进;勇往直前

They pressed ahead regardless of objections. 他们不顾反对,勇往直前。

press ahead with sth We shall press ahead with our plans for reform. 我们必须坚持推行我们的改革计划。

ˈpress for
1 press sb for sth: to try in a determined way to get something from someone 催促;逼迫

The more she pressed him for an explanation, the more he refused to speak. 她越是逼他解释,他越是拒绝开口。

2 press for sth: to try in a determined way to achieve something 竭力争取

The committee also agreed to press for changes in the current financing system. 委员会还同意竭力争取变革当前的财政制度。

ˌpress ˈon
1  I  press ahead

Mr Scott ignored the comment and pressed on. 斯科特先生不顾人们的意见,继续坚持下去。

2  T  press sth on sb: to try in a determined way to give someone something , especially something that they do not really want 将(某物)强加于(某人)

It’ s not fair to keep pressing chocolates on her when she’ s trying to diet. 在她节制饮食的时候不该强要她吃巧克力。





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