

单词 box
box 1 ★★★
1  C  a container with straight sides, a flat base , and sometimes a lid 箱;盒;匣

a stack of cardboard boxes 一堆纸箱

Read the instructions before taking it out of its box. 把它从箱子里取出来之前先看看说明书。

1a the things in a box , or the amount that a box contains 一箱;一盒;一匣;一箱的容量;一盒的容量;一匣的容量

Jim gave us some chocolates, and we ate the whole box. 吉姆给了我们一些巧克力,我们把整盒都吃光了。

+of a box of matches 一盒火柴

2  C  a space on a printed form , in which you write (表格上的)方框,空格

Tick the boxes that apply to you. 在符合于你的空格内打钩。

2a a space on a computer screen , where you can read or write a particular type of information (计算机屏幕上的)框

the dialog/error box 对话框/错误框

3  C  a small enclosed space with seats in a theatre or sports ground , separate from where the rest of the audience is sitting (戏院或运动场的)包厢

a corporate entertainment box 团体娱乐包厢

4 the box BRITISH  informal   the television 电视机

Is there anything on the box tonight? 今晚电视有什么可看的节目吗?

5 the box the penalty box in football (足球的)罚球区
6  C  an address that some people use instead of having letters delivered to their house 邮政信箱
7  C/U  a tree with small shiny leaves that people grow especially around the edges of their gardens 黄杨树(常种植在花园四周)

a box hedge 黄杨树篱

8  C  informal   a coffin for a dead body 棺材
9  C  BRITISH  a telephone box
10  C  BRITISH  a hard cover worn by men to protect their sex organs when playing sports (运动时保护运动员的)下体护身
-   be a box of birds Australian informal
to be happy or in good health




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