

单词 go
go 1 ★★★
1  I  +to/into/through/across etc to move or travel to a place that is away from where you are now 去;到;行进

Where did Sue go? 休到哪里去了?

She went into the bathroom and rinsed her face in cold water. 她走进浴室用冷水洗了一下脸。

The fastest way to get to the library is to go through the park. 去图书馆最快的路是穿过公园。

We’ re planning to go to Spain this winter. 我们打算这个冬天去西班牙。

go by car/train/plane etc They’ ll be going from London to Paris by train. 他们将乘火车从伦敦去巴黎。

1a to leave a place 离开;出发

What time are you going tomorrow? 明天你什么时候走?

I’ m tired; let’ s go. 我累了,我们走吧。

1b to move or travel to a place or leave a place in order to do a particular thing 离开(去做某事)

+to They’ ve gone to a concert in town tonight. 他们今晚到镇上去听音乐会。

go to prison/jail He went to prison for life. 他被终生监禁。

go to lunch/dinner Are you ready to go to lunch yet? 你准备好去吃午饭了吗?

go to the doctor(’ s)/dentist(’ s)/hairdresser(’ s) etc I’ m leaving early to go to the dentist. 我想早点离开去看牙。

go to/into hospital He went into hospital for a routine operation last Tuesday. 他上周二到医院作了个普通手术。

go and do sth I have to go and pick up my friends at the airport. 我得去机场接我的朋友。

go to do sth Jim went to buy some more ice cream about ten minutes ago. 10分钟前吉姆去多买了些冰淇淋。

go shopping/fishing/dancing etc On hot days the kids would go swimming in the river. 天热的时候孩子们会到河里游泳。

go for a swim/ride/walk etc They went for a walk round the neighbourhood. 他们到附近去散步。

1c to move in a particular way or while doing a particular thing (以某种特定方式)运动

go crashing/flying/crying etc Two jet fighters went racing across the sky. 两架喷气式战斗机快速地划过天空。

1d to travel to a place along a particular road or as part of a transport service (公共交通工具等)沿…路线运行至

The bus goes right to the centre of town. 这辆公共汽车直接到市中心。

2  I  to travel to a particular place regularly in order to take part in an activity 去(上学等)

+to None of her brothers went to college. 她的兄弟没有一个上大学的。

When I was young, we went to church every Sunday. 我小的时候,我们每周日都去教堂。

3  I  +from/to/past etc to continue from one place or time to another (从某处)继续到(某处)

The 350-kilometre jungle highway going from Georgetown to Brazil was built with World Bank funds. 从乔治敦到巴西350公里长的丛林高速公路是在世界银行资助下修建起来的。

4  I  to happen in a particular way 进展

how are things going?/how’ s it going? How are things going at work? 工作进展如何?

go well/smoothly/badly etc I think the interview went very well. 我认为面试进行得不错。

5  linking verb  to change to another condition , usually a worse one 变得(通常指变化到更糟糕的程度)

go deaf/blind/grey/bald etc Louise had gone completely blind before she died. 路易丝去世之前就已经完全失明。

go wild/crazy/mad We knew they would go crazy if they ever found out. 我们知道他们如果发现实情会发疯的。

go bad/sour/rotten The milk smells like it’ s going bad. 牛奶闻起来好像变质了。

5a to be in a particular state or situation , especially one in which you do not have something or in which something is not done 处于(某种状态)

go barefoot/naked/topless etc We both love going barefoot on the beach. 我们两个人都喜欢光脚在沙滩上散步。

go hungry Thousands of people are being allowed to go hungry. 成千上万的人被听任忍受饥饿。

go unseen/unheard etc Most of their hard work seems to have gone unnoticed. 他们做的大部分工作都没有被注意到。

It was a vicious tackle, and the referee couldn’ t let it go unpunished. 这是恶意的拦截,裁判员不会置之不理的。

6  I  to start being in a worse state or stop working correctly as a result of becoming old or damaged 衰退;损坏;退化

Her hearing is really starting to go. 她的听力真的开始衰退了。

The battery in this watch is going. 手表电池快要报废了。

7  I  spoken   to die 死

When it’ s your time to go, there’ s nothing you can do about it. 死期将至,你对此没任何办法。

8  I  +in/under/beside etc to be usually kept or put in a particular place 放置

The spoons go in the other drawer. 汤匙放在另一个抽屉里。

8a if something goes in a particular place , it fits there because it is the right size or shape 放得进;适合

There’ s no way all this stuff will go in the box. 这些东西没办法都放在这个盒子里。

8b to be suitable , right , or attractive in a particular place or in a particular combination (与…)相配;(与…)和谐

It’ s the kind of furniture that would go well in any room. 这是那种摆在任何房间里都合适的家具。

I don’ t think these colours really go, do you? 我真的觉得这些颜色不相配,你说呢?

9  I  to be sent 被发出;被分发

I’ d like this letter to go first class. 我想让这封信用第一等级传送。

+to The memo should go to all employees. 这份备忘录应分发到所有雇员手里。

10  I  if time goes in a particular way , it passes in that way (时间)走,过,流逝

go fast/quickly/slowly This week’ s gone so fast – I can’ t believe it’ s Friday already. 这周过得这么快。我简直不敢相信已经星期五了。

11  I/T  to continue or last for a particular amount of time while doing something 继续;持续

go (for) days/weeks/months etc He went several days without eating a single thing. 他连续好几天都没吃过一点东西。

12  I  to be spent 被花费

Where did all their money go? 他们的钱都花在哪里了?

+on/for Half of the cheque went on new shoes for the kids. 支票上一半的钱都花在给孩子们买新鞋上了。

12a if a supply of something goes, it becomes less because more and more of it is used 消耗;用尽

We were worried because the food was completely gone and the water was going fast. 食物已经吃光,水也快用完了,所以我们很担心。

12b to be got rid of 被清除;被扔掉

have got to go These old trousers of yours have got to go. 你这些旧裤子一定要扔掉。

12c to disappear 消失

I put my book on the table, and now it’ s gone. 我把书放在桌子上,可是现在没了。

13  I  to leave a job or organization , especially because you are forced to (尤指被迫)离职,离开

They can fire me, but I won’ t go quietly. 他们可以解雇我,可我不会无声无息就走的。

14  T  to make a particular sound , especially the typical sound of a particular animal 发出(尤指某种动物的声音)

Cows go ‘moo’ . 牛哞哞叫。

His alarm kept going ‘beep, beep, beep’ . 他的闹钟一直在嘟嘟叫。

14a  I  to make a sound as a signal 发出(声音作为信号)

No one leaves until the bell goes. 直到铃响才可离开。

15  I  informal   to move in a particular way (以特定的方式)移动

He kept going like this with his head. 他的头就一直这样动。

16  I/T  to consist of a particular series of words, facts, or musical notes (以特定方式)说,讲,唱

That’ s not the way the song goes. 这首歌不是这样唱的。

the story/saying/argument goes (that) The story goes that this castle was built by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa. 传说这座宫殿是由弗雷德里克·巴巴罗沙大帝建造的。

17  T  very informal   used when you are telling a story for saying what someone has said (讲故事时)说道,讲到

So he goes, ‘I know what I’ m doing’ , and she goes, ‘I don’ t think so’ . 所以他就说:“我知道我在做什么”,然后她说道:“我认为你不知道。”

18  I  to begin doing something 开始(做某事)

Nobody starts till I say ‘Go’ . 大家等我说“开始”再行动。

be ready to go We’ ve planned every detail and are ready to go. 我们已经计划好每一个细节,就等着开始行动。

get going (on sth) It won’ t take me long once I get going. 一旦开始,我不会用很长时间。

19  I  if a machine or piece of equipment goes, it operates correctly 运行;运转

My old watch is still going. 我的旧手表还在走。

20  I  to be sold 被卖掉

Tickets are going very fast, so I’ d advise you to book now. 票卖得非常快,所以我建议你现在就订。

be going cheap (=be for sale at a low price) There are some lovely bathroom tiles going cheap today. 减价

21  I  to pay or accept a particular amount of money for something 付(钱);接受

I can’ t go any higher than £500. 我不会付超过500英镑的钱。

22  I  spoken   to go to the toilet 去(卫生间)

I need to go right now. 我现在得去卫生间了。

-   as sb/sth goes
when you consider what other people or things of the same type are like

As history textbooks go, this one is pretty good. 正如历史教科书一样,这本书非常好。

-   be going to do sth
1 to intend to do something 打算做某事

I’ m going to watch TV tonight. 今晚我打算看电视。

2 to be about to do something 马上就做某事

You’ re going to fall if you’ re not careful. 如果你不小心就会摔倒。

Don’ t worry. Everything’ s going to be all right. 不要担心。一切都会好起来的。

-   don’ t go doing sth spoken
used for telling someone not to do something

Take your time and don’ t go rushing into anything. 慢慢来,不要鲁莽行事。

-   go all out (to do sth/for sth)
to try as hard as you can to achieve something

UK-based companies are going all out to secure overseas contracts. 总部设在英国的公司尽最大努力确保海外合同。

We’ re going all out for a big win in Saturday’ s game. 我们会竭尽全力争取在星期六的比赛中大获全胜。

-   go all the way informal
to have sex with someone
-   go and do sth spoken
1 used for saying that someone has done something silly or annoying 冒失地做某事

She’ s only gone and told him what the surprise was! 她竟冒冒失失地去告诉他会有什么惊喜!

have gone and done it (=have done something extremely silly) You’ ve really gone and done it this time! 做了蠢事

2 used for telling someone to do something , especially when you are annoyed 去做某事(尤指说话人很生气)
-   gofar
to be successful in what you try to do

With all her skill and ambition, I’ m sure Leah will go far. 以她的能力和抱负,我相信利娅一定会成功。

-   going, going, gone
used by an auctioneer for saying that an object has just been sold
-   go it alone
to do something without depending on anyone else for help
-   go one better (than)
to do something better than someone else has done or better than you have done before
-   go to do sth
if an action , event , or situation goes to do something , it helps to do it

go to show (sb) (that) It just goes to show that politicians will say anything to get elected. 这更好地表明,政客为了当选,什么话都说得出来。

go to prove a point It all goes to prove my point that you can never be too careful. 这更好地证明了我说的话,多细心都不过分。

-   go too far
to behave in a way that is unreasonable

Threatening legal action is really going too far. 威胁诉诸法律真的是太过分了。

-   not gofar
1 used for saying that you cannot buy very much with a particular amount of money (用一定量的钱)买不了很多东西

Twenty pounds doesn’ t go very far these days. 现在20英镑买不了太多东西。

2 used for saying that a supply of something is not enough 供给不足

A few sandwiches won’ t go far between all of us. 几个三明治不够我们所有人分的。

-   not go there spoken
used for saying that you do not want to hear about , discuss , or consider a particular subject

The situation in my office! I’ m not even going to go there! 我办公室的情况!我谈都不想谈!

don’ t go there I’ m telling you – don’ t go there, I don’ t want to talk about it. 我告诉你,不要提这些,我不想谈这些。

-   to go
1 remaining 剩余

There are just three weeks to go before the end of term. 只剩3个星期学期就结束了。

2 not yet done or dealt with 未完成;未处理

Only two chapters to go, and then I’ m finished. 还有两章我就完成了。

3 MAINLY AMERICAN  if you order food to go from a restaurant , you take it and eat it somewhere else (从餐馆)外带食品

Do you want this pizza to go? 这个比萨您要带走吃吗?

-   the way things are going
used for saying what seems likely to happen as a result of what is happening now

The way things are going, I should be finished by next week. 从现在事情进展的情况来看,我下周就会完成。

-   where does sb go from here?
used for asking what someone can do next in a particular situation , especially a difficult one
-   who goes there? spoken
used by a soldier guarding a place for asking who is coming towards them
ˌgo aˈbout
1  T  go about sth: to do something that you normally do in your usual way 做;干

go about your business/work/daily life etc There were no further reports of violence in the town, and most people went about their daily activities as usual. 没有进一步有关镇上的暴力的报道,大部分人日常生活已经恢复正常了。

2  T  go about sth: to start dealing with a problem , situation , or job in a particular way 着手做;开始干

I think I’ d go about it quite differently. 我想我会以非常不同的方式来着手做这件事。

go about doing sth How did you go about finding a job? 你如何找工作?

3  I/T  BRITISH  go around 2
4  I/T  go around 3
5  I/T  go around 4
6  I  BRITISH  technical   if a ship goes about , it turns and sails in the opposite direction (船)转向行驶
ˌgo ˈafter
1 go after sb: to try to catch or stop someone 追上;制止

You’ d better go after her and tell her you’ re sorry. 你最好追上她并告诉她你很抱歉。

1a to try to arrest or punish someone 追查;抓捕

It would be dangerous to go after the killer on your own. 你一个人去抓捕凶手是很危险的。

2 go after sth: to try to get something that other people are also competing for 争取;竞争

Our company is going after the software market in western Europe. 我们公司正在争取西欧的软件市场。

ˌgo aˈgainst
1 to oppose someone or something 违反

Building it here would go against the wishes of the local community. 把它建在这里是不受当地社区欢迎的。

1a go against sthto be opposed to something 违背

This goes against everything I’ ve been brought up to believe in. 这与我从小接受的观念相违背。

2 if something such as a decision or judgment goes against you , you do not get the decision or judgment you wanted 对…不利

It appears likely the judge’ s ruling will go against them. 法官的判决很有可能对他们不利。

ˌgo aˈhead
1 to start or continue to do something , especially after waiting for permission 开始;继续

‘Go ahead,’ he insisted. ‘I won’ t interrupt again.’ “继续”,他坚持说,“我不会再插话了。”

go ahead and do sth Go ahead and eat before everything gets cold. 趁东西还没凉赶紧吃。

+with The club will be going ahead with its plans for a new stadium in the summer. 俱乐部会在夏天开始建造新体育馆。

2 to go to a place before someone else you are with 先去

You go ahead and we’ ll wait here for Sally. 你先去,我们在这里等萨莉。

+of Don went ahead of the others to try to find help. 唐先走一步去寻求帮助。

3 to happen 发生;进展;进行

The party went ahead as planned. 聚会按计划进行。

ˌgo aˈlong
1 to continue to happen or develop 继续;进展

Everything was going along just fine until she turned up! 就在她出现以前,一切都进展得很顺利!

1a to continue doing something 继续

as sb goes along (=while doing something else) The teacher seemed to be making up the lesson as he went along. 当某人做其他事情时

2 to travel somewhere with someone else 和(某人)一起去

He’ s going to York tomorrow and I think I might just go along too. 他明天去约克郡,我想我和他一起去好了。

ˌgo aˈlong with
1 go along with sbsth: to agree with someone or something 赞同

I think I would tend to go along with what Tim was saying. 我想我倾向于赞同蒂姆所说的。

2 go along with sth: to agree to do something together with other people 同意(和某人做某事)

They describe him as a weak man who went along with the scheme out of fear. 他们说他是个懦弱的人,他是出于恐惧才参与这场阴谋的。

ˌgo aˈround or ˌgo ˈround  BRITISH
1  I  to visit a person or a place 参观;走访

I went around last night, but no one was in. 我昨天去串门,可是没有人在。

+to Are you going around to Tom’ s after work? 下班后你去汤姆家吗?

2 go around  I  to behave or be dressed in a particular way 行为怪异;穿着特殊

Why do you always go around without any shoes on? 你为什么总是不穿鞋?

go around doing sth You can’ t go around saying things like that! 你不能到处讲那样的话!

3 go around  I/T  go around sth: usually progressive if something such as an illness or a piece of news is going around , people are giving or telling it to each other 传染(疾病);传播(消息)

He caught a nasty flu virus that’ s been going around. 他得了一种正在流行的严重流感。

There’ s a story going around the office that you’ re thinking of leaving. 办公室里正在传说你正考虑离开。

4 go around  I  +with/together: to spend a lot of time with someone , going to different places and doing things 与…为伍;和…结伴

She used to go around with Susannah all the time.

5  I  to be enough so that everyone can have one or some 足够分

be enough to go around In some classes, there aren’ t even enough books to go around. 有些班级甚至没有足够的书分给学生。

6  I  to move in a circle 绕圈

The hands of the clock seemed to go around so slowly. 时针看上去走得很慢。

-   what goes aroundcomes around
used for saying that the way you behave towards other people will influence the way other people behave towards you in the future
ˈgo at
1 go at sb: to attack someone violently 攻击;扑向

The two boys were going at each other like mad dogs. 两个男孩像疯狗一样扑向对方。

2 go at sth: to do something with a lot of enthusiasm or energy 拼命干;卖力干

Harbury was young and ambitious and went at things with a daunting eagerness. 哈布瑞年轻有抱负,干起事情来冲劲十足。

ˌgo aˈway
1 to move or travel away from a person or place 离开

If he’ s bothering you, tell him to go away. 如果他打扰你,就让他走开。

1a to leave your home for a period of time , especially for a holiday (尤指为度假)离家外出

We’ ve decided to go away for a long weekend. 我们决定离家去度个长周末。

2 to stop existing or being noticeable 消失

The pain should go away in a couple of hours. 几个小时后疼痛就会消失。

ˌgo ˈback
1  I  to return to a person , place , subject , or activity 回去;返回

It started to rain, so we decided to go back. 开始下雨了,我们决定返回。

+to We didn’ t think he’ d go back to his wife after everything that’ s happened. 我们没想到发生了所有这一切之后他还会回到他妻子那里。

I’ d like to go back to what Abby was saying just a minute ago. 我想回到刚才阿比谈到的话题。

She should be well enough to go back to work on Wednesday. 她星期三就会好得差不多,可以回去工作了。

go back to doing sth The computer breaks down and you go back to writing things down on pieces of paper. 计算机坏了,你得像以前一样把东西写在纸上。

+for I’ d left my keys in the office and had to go back for them. 我把钥匙落在办公室,只好回去取。

2  I/T  to have existed since or for a particular time 追溯(到)

My interest in the subject goes back many years. 我对这个课题的兴趣可以追溯到许多年前。

+to Some of these houses go back to the early 19th century. 这里有些房子早在19世纪初就存在了。

2a  T  if two people go back a particular period of time , they have known each other for that period of time (两人)从…就互相认识

We go back a long time, don’ t we? 我们很早以前就认识了,不是吗?

ˌgo ˈback on
go back on sth: to fail to do something that you have promised or agreed to do 违背(诺言等)

go back on your word/promise Both leaders feared that the other would go back on his word. 两位领导人都害怕对方不能兑现其承诺。

ˈgo beˌfore
1  T  go before sb/sth: to be considered by a judge , committee , or other authority as part of an official process 提交给…考虑

The case is scheduled to go before the Appeal Court next week. 这个案件被安排在下周提交上诉法庭审理。

2  I/T  to have happened previously 以前发生过

a brief summary of what has gone before 对以前发生过的事情的简短概括

ˌgo beˈyond
1 to be more than something 超出

The cost of the new prison should not go beyond £12 million. 新监狱的造价不能超出12000000英镑。

2 to refer to , deal with , or include more things than something 涉及,处理,包括(更多)

The British representative argued against any major changes that would go beyond the 1992 Treaty. 英国代表反对任何违反1992年条约的重大改变。

ˌgo ˈby
1  I  if time goes by , it passes (时间)流逝

Last month went by so fast. 上个月过得太快了。

2  T  go by sth: to accept what someone or something says when you are deciding what to do or think 根据…所说;根据…决定

Going by what Tim said, we should be there by mid-afternoon. 根据蒂姆所说,我们应该在下午3点左右到那里。

go by the book (=obey rules without considering whether they are right) Police officers protect themselves from criticism by going by the book. 照章办事

2a go by sthto base an opinion on something 根据…判断

go by appearances It’ s never very wise to go by appearances. 以貌取人向来都不是很明智。

3  T  go by sth: to use a particular name for yourself that is not your real name 称作(通常不是原名)

When I knew her, she used to go by the name of Ricki. 我认识她的时候,她被叫做里基。

4  I/T  go by sth: to move past a place or stop there for a short time during a journey 路过

I went by the post office on the way home. 在回家的路上我顺便去了邮局。

ˌgo ˈdown
1 to sink below the surface of the water 沉没

The ship went down off the coast of Africa. 船只在非洲海岸沉没。

1a to fall to the ground 掉下来

We watched as the plane went down in a fiery blaze. 我们看着飞机燃着熊熊大火从空中坠落。

1b when the sun or moon goes down , it moves below the horizon so you cannot see it any longer (月亮、太阳)落下去
1c +toto be long enough to reach a particular lower point or level 足够长;够得到

There were steps going down to what had once been a lawn. 这里有台阶一直延伸到原来是一片草坪的地方。

2 to become less 减少;下降

No one expects house prices to go down in the near future. 没人认为最近房价会下降。

How long will it take for the swelling to go down? 多长时间才能消肿?

The crime rate shows no signs of going down. 犯罪率没有任何下降的迹象。

3 to be remembered or recorded in a particular place or way (以某种方式)写下来,记下来

+as Hansen will go down as one of the best teachers this school has ever had. 汉森将作为这所学校最好的教师之一被人们铭记于心。

+in Both their names went down in the referee’ s notebook. 他们两人的名字都被裁判记录在案。

The efforts they made will go down in history. 他们的努力将被历史铭记。

4 to produce a particular reaction 引起反响

go down well/badly (with sb) The plan to put rents up has not gone down well with tenants. 加租的计划遭到房客的反对。

5 if food or drink goes down , you swallow it (食物)被吞下,被咽下

You need smaller pills that go down more easily. 你需要小一点的药片,那会更容易吞下。

6 to travel towards the south 南下

+to The family is going down to Brighton for a few days. 全家人将南下布赖顿几天。

6a to travel to a place that is smaller or less important than the place you are leaving 下到(某地,通常指从大地方到小地方)

+to We’ re going down to the country next weekend. 下个周末我们去乡下。

7 to be defeated in a competition , especially in sport (尤指在体育比赛中)被击败

+to Canada went down 3–1 to the Russian team. 加拿大1∶3被俄罗斯队击败。

7a to move to a lower division in a sports league (= a group of teams) 降级(在联赛中降到下一级)

‘I grew up a United fan,’ said Little. ‘I’ ll be very sad if they go down.’ “我从小到大都是联队的球迷,”利特尔说,“他们降级我会感到很伤心。”

8 if something such as a computer or an electrical system goes down , it stops working for a period of time (系统)停止运行
9 if lights go down , especially in a theatre or cinema , they gradually become less bright and are switched off (尤指剧院或电影院的灯光等)暗下去
10 to become worse 变差

I think the quality of their products has really gone down in the past few years. 我认为他们的产品质量在过去几年里真的是下降了。

11 AMERICAN  very informal   to happen 发生

I was nowhere near here when the robbery went down. 抢劫发生的时候,我离这里还很远。

12 BRITISH  to leave a university , especially Oxford or Cambridge, at the end of a term (= period of study) or a course of study 学期结束后离开(尤指牛津或剑桥大学)
13 BRITISH  informal   to go to prison 进监狱
-   go down in sb’ s opinion
to become less respected by someone than you were before , because of something you have done
ˌgo ˈdown on
go down on sb: to have oral sex with someone 和某人口交
ˌgo ˈdown with
go down with sth: to become ill with a particular illness 患上(疾病)

Three people in my office have gone down with the flu. 我的办公室里已经有3个人患了流感。

ˈgo for
1 go for sth: informal   to try to get something that you have to compete for 竞争;追求

There were 200 people going for just three jobs. 有200人竞聘仅有的3个职位。

1a used for encouraging someone to do something or to try very hard 加油
2 go for sbsth: informal   to like a particular type of person or thing 喜欢

I don’ t really go for horror films. 我不怎么喜欢恐怖电影。

So what type of men do you go for? 那你喜欢什么类型的男人?

3 go for sth: informal   to choose a particular thing 选择

I think I’ ll go for the steak. What are you having? 我想我要吃牛排。你吃什么?

4 go for sb: informal   to attack someone physically 攻击,打(某人)
4a to criticize someone strongly 严厉批评
5 go for sth: to be sold for a particular amount of money 卖到…价位

We expect the house to go for about £200,000. 我们希望房子能卖到200000英镑左右的价钱。

6 go for sb/sth: to go somewhere in order to get someone or something 去接(某人);去取(某物)

She’ s just gone for the kids – she’ ll be back any minute. 她只是去接孩子,马上就回来了。

I’ m going to go for a newspaper. 我去取报纸。

7 go for sbsth: to be true or relevant for someone or something 适用于

We expect you boys to behave yourselves, and the same goes for the girls. 我们希望你们这些男孩子能守规矩,女孩子们也一样。

8 if a person or thing has something going for them , they have an advantage , skill , or other positive quality 有优势

have sth going for you With its wide variety and low prices, the new shop has a lot going for it. 这家新店的货物品种繁多,价格低廉,具有很大优势。

-   go for nothing
to achieve nothing or be completely wasted

I’ d have hated for all that work to go for nothing. 我很讨厌辛苦的白干。

See also -> broke1
ˌgo ˈin
when the sun or moon goes in , clouds move in front of it (太阳、月亮等)躲到云里
ˌgo ˈin for
1 to enjoy a particular thing or activity 喜欢

I don’ t go in for golf much. 我不怎么喜欢高尔夫。

2 BRITISH  to take part in a competition or take an examination 参加(比赛、考试等)

His school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year competition. 他的学校建议他参加年度青年音乐家评选。

3 BRITISH  to choose something as a subject of study or as your career 学习(某个科目);从事(某种职业)

I think he’ s planning to go in for politics. 我想他打算从政。

ˌgo ˈinto
1 to start working in a particular type of job or business 开始从事

Alex has decided to go into nursing. 亚历克斯已决定从事护理工作。

Eric went into the army right after school. 埃里克一毕业就参军了。

2 to change to a different movement , state , or condition , usually a worse one 陷入(某种糟糕的状况)

Her car went into a dangerous spin. 她的车危险地打转。

Fur sales went into a steep decline last month. 毛皮销量从上月开始直线下滑。

One of the victims went into a coma and died. 有一位受害者休克并死亡。

3 to deal with something in detail 详谈;仔细处理

That’ s a good question, but I don’ t want to go into it now. 这个问题提得很好,但我现在不想深入展开。

The company is refusing to go into detail about its offer. 公司拒绝透露其报价的细节。

4 to be used or spent in order to do something 花费;用于

Over 50% of the budget went into the design of the equipment. 超过50%的预算用于设备的设计。

go into doing sth Months of hard work have gone into making tonight’ s ceremony a success. 为使今晚的典礼取得成功已经投入了好几个月的辛勤工作。

5 to start an explanation or statement , especially a long and boring one (尤指冗长地)解释

He went into a long rant about the high price of petrol. 他开始了关于油价过高的冗长的解释。

6 if a smaller number goes into a larger number , the larger number can be divided by the smaller a particular number of times 被包含于;可用…整除

5 goes into 25 5 times. 25除以5等于5。

4 into 20 goes 5. 20除以4等于5。

9 into 23 won’ t go. 23不能被9整除。

7 to crash into something 撞击

The truck swerved violently and went into a wall. 卡车突然猛地转向,撞到了墙上。

ˌgo ˈin with
go in with sb: to join together with someone else in order to do something such as start a business 与…合伙

She’ s gone in with an ex-colleague on a new restaurant idea. 她和一个以前的同事想合伙开餐馆。

ˌgo ˈoff
1  I  to explode or be fired 爆炸;走火

The gun went off while he was cleaning it. 他擦枪的时候,枪走火了。

2  I  if something such as a light or an electricity supply goes off , it stops working or being available (灯)熄灭;停(电)

All the lights in the building suddenly went off. 整栋楼的灯突然都灭了。

3  T  go off sbsth: BRITISH  to stop liking someone or something 不再喜欢;放弃

I went off the idea of buying a sports car after I found out how much it would cost. 当知道赛车有多贵的时候我打消了买一辆的想法。

4  I  to leave a place , especially for a particular purpose (尤指为了某种目的)离开

+to Dave’ s gone off to the south of France for the summer. 戴夫动身去法国南部过夏天。

go off to do sth He went off to have lunch in the canteen at one o’ clock. 他1点钟去食堂吃的饭。

5  I  to start making a noise as a signal or warning (警报等)响起来

I was just lying in bed waiting for the alarm to go off. 我躺在床上等闹钟响。

6  I  BRITISH  if food or drink goes off , it is no longer fresh (食物)变质,变不新鲜
7  I  BRITISH  informal   to become worse in quality (质量)下降

His work has really gone off recently. 他的工作水平最近大不如前。

8  I  to happen in a particular way 进行;进展

The whole conference went off just as we had planned. 整个会议正按照我们的计划进行。

9  I  BRITISH  spoken   to start to sleep 睡觉

go off to sleep The baby’ s just gone off to sleep. 婴儿刚刚睡着。

10  I  AMERICAN  informal   to suddenly become angry and start shouting 突然发怒;突然大喊

+on He just went off on her for no apparent reason. 他莫名其妙地就朝她发火。

ˌgo ˈoff with
1 go off with sb: to start a new relationship with someone after leaving the person you were previously having a relationship with 另结(新欢)

Apparently he’ s gone off with someone he met at a conference last year. 很明显他和去年在一次会上认识的一个人好上了。

2 go off with sth: to leave with something that belongs to someone else 私自拿走

Someone’ s gone off with my coffee cup. 有人拿走了我的咖啡杯。

ˌgo ˈon
1  I  to continue happening or doing something as before 继续;持续

The meeting went on a lot longer than I expected. 会议持续的时间比我想象的要久。

We can’ t go on like this any more. Things have got to change. 我们不想再这样下去了,应该有所改变。

+with Burton smiled and went on with his work. 伯顿笑了笑继续他的工作。

go on doing sth She can’ t go on pretending that everything is okay when it clearly isn’ t. 事情很明显不好,她不能再装作一切都好的样子。

2  I  to happen 发生

I wonder what’ s going on next door – they’ re making a lot of noise. 我真纳闷隔壁在干什么,弄出这么大的噪声。

3  T  go on sth: to start doing a particular activity or being in a particular state 开始做(某事);进入(某种状态)

go on holiday/a cruise/trip/tour etc We’ re going on holiday next week. 下周我们去度假。

go on strike (=stop working as a protest) Workers voted by a large majority to go on strike. 罢工

go on sale/display It will go on sale this summer. 它将在今年夏天上市。

go on a diet I really must go on a diet! 我真的得节食了!

3a go on sthto start taking a particular medicine or drug 服用(药物)

He needs to go on stronger medication. 他需要服用药效更强一点的药。

4  I  if something such as a light or an electricity supply goes on , it starts working or becomes available (灯等)开着

I heard the TV go on in the next room. 我听到隔壁的电视开着。

5  I  to talk so much that people become bored or annoyed 喋喋不休地说

You do go on, don’ t you? 你喋喋不休让人烦,难道不是吗?

+about She tends to go on about how clever her children are. 她总是喋喋不休地说她的孩子有多聪明。

go on and on (about sth) He went on and on about me being late for work again. 他就我工作又迟到的事喋喋不休地讲个没完。

5a to start talking again after a pause or interruption (停顿后)继续讲

Please go on – I didn’ t mean to interrupt you. 请继续讲,我不是有意打断你。

+with He encouraged her to go on with her story. 他鼓励她继续讲她的故事。

6  I  to do something after doing something else (做完某事后)继续做(另一件事)

+to When you finish the first section of the test, go on to the next. 当你完成测验的第一部分后,继续做下一部分。

go on to do sth They eventually went on to win the championship. 他们再接再厉,终于赢得了冠军。

6a to go to another place after going somewhere 继续(去某地)

+to After Moscow, we went on to St Petersburg for a couple of days. 去莫斯科之后,我们接下来又去了圣彼得堡几天。

7  I  if time goes on , it passes (时间)流逝
8  T  go on sth: to base an opinion or decision on something 以…为依据

Since there were no witnesses, the police had little to go on. 由于没有目击者,警察无以为据。

9  I  to go to a place before someone else you are with 先走

Why don’ t you go on without me? 你干嘛不先走?不要等我。

10  I/T  to walk onto a stage to begin your part in a performance 上场(演出)

I don’ t go on until the final act. 直到最后一幕我才上场。

10a  I  to walk onto a sports field in order to replace a member of your team (比赛中)被替换上场

Owen went on in the 75th minute. 欧文在第75分钟的时候被替换上场。

-   go on spoken
1 used for encouraging someone to do something 来呀,继续吧(用于鼓励某人做某事)

Go on, try it – it’ s really good. 来,试一下嘛,这真的不错。

2 BRITISH  used for saying that you do not believe what someone is telling you 行了,得了(表示不信)

Go on! She didn’ t really say that. 行了,她并没有那样讲。

go on with you! old-fashioned ‘Don’ t you look nice!’ ‘Oh, go on with you!’ “你看上去不是很好吗?”“得了吧。”

-   go on (the) TV/radio
to decide to appear on televisionradio in order to say something

The President went on television to appeal for calm. 总统在电视上发表讲话号召人们保持平静。

-   going on (for) sth
almost a particular age , time , or amount

Tina is six, going on seven. 蒂纳6岁,快7岁了。

ˌgo ˈon at
go on at sb: to criticize someone regularly or for a long time (不停地)批评,唠叨

+about My mum keeps going on at me about my friends and the way I dress. 我妈妈不停地批评我的朋友和我的穿着。

go on at sb to do sth Everyone’ s been going on at me to get a haircut. 每个人都唠叨着让我去剪个头发。

ˌgo ˈout
1 to leave your house and go somewhere , especially to do something enjoyable 外出;(尤指)游玩

I wanted the evenings free for going out with friends. 我希望晚上没事,可以和朋友出去玩儿。

go out doing sth We haven’ t gone out dancing for a long time. 我们很久没出去跳舞了。

go out to do sth Let’ s go out to eat tonight. 我们今晚出去吃饭吧。

go out and do sth She wasn’ t allowed go out and play with the other kids. 她不被允许出去和其他小朋友玩儿。

1a to travel to a place that is far away (尤指去远处)旅游

+to She wished she had been able to go out to South Africa with Nicola. 她希望当初能和尼古拉一起去南非旅游。

1b when the tide goes out , the water in the sea flows away from the land 退潮
2 usually progressive to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone and spend a lot of time with them 与异性交往;恋爱

How long have Rob and Sue been going out? 罗布和休交往有多久了?

+with Greg used to go out with Katy. 格雷格以前和凯蒂谈过恋爱。

+together We’ ve been going out together for three months now. 我们恋爱已经有3个月了。

3 to stop burning or shining 熄灭

The fire must have gone out during the night. 火肯定在夜里熄灭了。

4 to be broadcast on the radio or television (在电视或广播里)播放

The show doesn’ t go out until after most kids have gone to bed. 那个节目直到大部分孩子们去睡觉以后才播放。

4a to be told to people 被告知;被传播

+that Word went out that the factory was in danger of closing. 有传言说这家工厂面临关门的危险。

4b to be sent by post 被邮寄

The invitations haven’ t gone out yet. 请柬尚未寄出。

5 to not be allowed to take part in the next stage of a competition because you have been defeated (比赛中)被淘汰

Last year’ s champion went out in the second round. 去年的冠军在第二轮就被淘汰了。

+of England went out of the World Cup amid great controversy. 英格兰队在一片争议声中离开了世界杯。

6 to stop being fashionable at a particular time (在某个时期)过时

That hairstyle went out about ten years ago. 那种发型10年前就过时了。

go out of fashion/style Classic jewellery like this will never go out of fashion. 像这种古典珠宝永远不会过时。

-   go out on strike
to stop working as a protest

If the postal workers go out on strike, other sectors may well join them. 如果邮局工人罢工的话,其他部门也很有可能参加。

ˌgo ˈout of
go out of sb/sth: if a feeling or quality goes out of someone or something , they do not have it any longer (情感或品质)从…中消失,不复存在

All the excitement had gone out of living in the city. 这个城市的所有激情都不复存在。

ˌgo ˈout to
go out to sb: to be defeated by someone in a competition 被击败

Sampras went out to young Swiss star Roger Federer. 桑普拉斯被年轻的瑞士球星罗杰·费德勒击败。

-   sb’ s heart/sympathy/thoughts go out to sb
used for saying that someone is sympathetic to someone who is in a difficult situation

Our thoughts go out to the victims of yesterday’ s earthquake. 我们对昨天地震的受害者深表同情。

ˌgo ˈover
1  T  go over sth: to check something carefully 仔细检查

Could you go over this report and correct any mistakes? 你能仔细看一下这个报告并把错误改过来吗?

1a to search a place thoroughly 搜查

This area is to be gone over with the greatest of care. 对这一地区一定要非常认真地进行搜查。

2  T  go over sth: to practise and repeat something in order to learn it 复习;练习

Sue’ s going to help me go over my lines for the play. 休打算帮我练习剧中的台词。

2a to repeat a series of things or think about them again in order to understand them completely 回想

My mind was going over the curious events at Ingard House. 我的脑中在回想发生在英戈德家中的怪事。

3  I  to move or travel towards someone or something 走过去;走到

+to He went over to the window and closed the curtains. 他走到窗边,拉上窗帘。

They went over to John’ s for dinner last night. 昨晚他们到约翰家里吃了晚饭。

go over (to sb/sth) to do sth We had met a year ago, when I went over to Paris to see an exhibition. 我们一年前碰过面,那时我去巴黎看一场展览。

go over (to sb/sth) and do sth Why don’ t you go over and say hello? 你为什么不过去问声好?

4  I  AMERICAN  to produce a particular reaction 反应;反响

Last night’ s performance went over very well. 昨晚的表演反响很好。

+with How did the news go over with your parents? 你父母对这个消息的反应如何?

5  T  go over sth: to clean something , especially quickly (尤指迅速地)打扫

go over sth with sth He’ d gone over the car with a cloth, wiping fingerprints from the steering wheel and the door handles. 他用一块布迅速地擦了一下车,并把方向盘和门把手上的指纹擦掉了。

ˌgo ˈover to
1 go over to sth: to change to a new system or way of behaving 转而采用(新方法等)

The school went over to mixed-ability teaching three years ago. 3年前学校就开始采用让程度不齐的学生混班上课的方法。

1a go over to sb/sthto join a different group , organization , or political party 加入;参加

What makes them go over to a party they once fought against? 是什么使他们加入了他们曾与之斗争的党派?

2 to change to a report or broadcast from a different place (报道或广播)转到(另一地)

We’ ll be going over to Sydney for live coverage in just a couple of minutes. 几分钟后我们将转到悉尼进行现场直播。

ˌgo ˈround
ˌgo ˈthrough
1  T  go through sth: to examine or search something very carefully 彻底检查;彻底搜查

Someone had broken into the office and gone through all the drawers. 有人闯入办公室翻遍了所有的抽屉。

Collins went through every legal book she could find. 柯林斯翻遍了她能找到的所有的法律书。

2  I/T  if a law goes through , or goes through a law-making institution , it is officially approved (法律)被通过
2a  I  if something such as a request , proposal , or contract goes through , it is officially accepted or approved (请求、建议或合同等)得到正式的认可
3  T  to experience something difficult or unpleasant 熬过(困境)

We can’ t really imagine what they’ re going through. 我们难以想象他们所正在经历的。

4  T  to use , spend , or eat all of something , especially quickly (尤指快速)吃光,用光

He’ d gone through all his money by the end of the first week of his holiday. 在假期第一周他就用光了所有的钱。

5  T  to practise all of something such as a speech , song , or play 从头至尾地练习

Let’ s go through your lines one more time. 我们再来练习一下你的台词。

6  T  if a thought or idea goes through your mind , you consider it for a short time 考虑;想起
7  T  to perform a set of actions that you regularly perform 完成(某些常规动作)

go through a routine/ritual She went through her daily routine of clearing the breakfast table before settling down to handle the correspondence. 早饭后她像往常一样收拾完餐桌,然后坐下来处理信件。

ˌgo ˈthrough with
go through with sth: to do something you have planned or agreed to do , especially after not being sure you want to do it (按照计划)完成(某事)

I can’ t believe he went through with the divorce. 我简直不敢相信他真的办了离婚。

ˈgo to
1 go to sth: to start doing a particular activity or being in a particular state 开始做(某事);开始进入(某种状态)

go to sleep I was just going to sleep when the phone rang. 电话响的时候我刚要入睡。

go to work (on sth) He then went to work on the car and had repaired it by lunchtime. 他然后就开始修车并在午饭前把车修好了。

go to war (with sb) The two countries have gone to war twice over the disputed territory. 这两个国家已经因这块有争议的领土两度交战。

2 go to sbsth: to be given to someone or something 向…致以;被给与

Our thanks go to everyone who helped to make this celebration a success. 我们感谢每一位为这次庆祝活动成功举办做出贡献的人

The house was supposed to go to her children when she died. 在她死后这所房子会留给她的孩子们。

ˌgo toˈgether
1 if two or more things go together , they frequently exist together 共存;伴随

Too often greed and politics seem to go together. 贪婪往往与政治如影相随。

2 if two things go together , they seem good , natural , or attractive in combination with each other 相配

I don’ t think the colours go together very well. 我认为颜色不太相配。

3 usually progressive informal   if two people are going together , they have a romantic or sexual relationship with each other 相恋

Matt and Michelle have been going together since April. 马特和米歇尔从4月份开始谈恋爱。

ˌgo toˈwards
go towards sth: to be used to help to pay for something 被用于帮助(或支付)

The proceeds from the sale of the grounds will go towards the construction of a new stadium. 卖这片场地的收益将用于建造一个新的体育馆。

go towards doing sth The money raised will go towards rebuilding the children’ s hospital. 募得的款项将被用来重建儿童医院。

ˌgo ˈunder
1 to sink below the surface of the water 下沉

The crowd watched as the ship went slowly under. 人群看着船缓缓下沉。

2 if something such as a business goes under , it fails completely and stops operating (企业等)倒闭
3 to become unconscious when a doctor gives you an anaesthetic before an operation (手术前)进入麻醉状态
ˌgo ˈup
1 to increase 增长

We’ d like to see the baby’ s weight going steadily up. 我们很想看到婴儿的体重稳步增长。

The price of oil has gone up by over 50 per cent in less than a year. 油价在不到一年的时间里上涨了50%多。

2 to be built 被建造

A new office block is going up on Oxford Street. 牛津街上正在建起新的办公区。

2a if something such as a notice or sign goes up somewhere , it is put in a place where people can see it (海报等)被张贴

Posters for the show are going up all over town. 表演的海报贴满了全镇。

3 to start burning quickly or explode 快速燃烧;爆炸

The whole building went up in just a few minutes. 短短几分钟内整幢建筑就迅速燃烧起来。

go up in flames From the air, it looked as if the entire city were going up in flames. 从空中看整个城市一片火海。

4 to travel towards the north 北上

Max goes up to Scotland to fish every summer. 马克斯每个夏天都北上苏格兰去钓鱼。

4a to travel to a place that is larger or more important than the place you are leaving 去(大地方)

Let’ s go up to London next week. 下周我们去伦敦吧。

5 BRITISH  to go to a university , especially Oxford or Cambridge, at the beginning of a term (= period of study) or a course of study 上学(尤指在学期初回牛津或剑桥大学)
6 if a noise goes up from a group of people , they all start to make it 发出(声音)

+from A cheer went up from the crowd. 人群发出欢呼声。

7 BRITISH  to move to a higher division in a sports league (= a group of teams) (在联赛中)升级
8 +to: to be long or tall enough to reach a particular higher point or level 上到;伸到

The fire escape only went up to the second floor. 消防通道只到二楼。

9 if lights go up , especially in a theatre or cinema , they are switched on and gradually become brighter (尤指戏院或剧院的灯光等)亮起来
10 if the curtain goes up in a theatre , it is raised or opened at the beginning of a performance (幕布)升起,拉开
ˈgo with
1 go with sth: to be provided or offered together with something 与…配套

Does a car go with the job? 这份工作是否配车?

1a to exist frequently with something 伴随

A fair amount of stress seems to go with jobs like this. 像这样的工作会伴随相当大的压力。

2 go with sth: to seem good , natural , or attractive in combination with something 搭配

Which of the shoes go best with this dress? 哪双鞋最能和这条裙子搭配?

3 go with sb: usually progressive informal   to have a romantic or sexual relationship with someone 与(某人)谈恋爱

I heard that Carol is going with the guy who works downstairs. 我听说卡萝尔正在和在楼下工作的家伙谈恋爱。

3a to have sex with someone 与…发生性关系
4 go with sth: to choose or accept something 选择;接受

I think we should go with yellow for the walls. 墙面我想我们应该选择黄色。

ˌgo withˈout
go without sth: to live without something that you need or would like to have 没有(生活所需物等)

Three villages have gone without water for days. 3个村庄已经好几天没有水了。

go without doing sth He went without sleeping for two days. 他两天没有睡觉了。

-   it goes without saying (that)
used when you think that someone will already know what you are going to tell them because it is so obvious

It goes without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lower. 不言而喻,价格越低消费者越高兴。

See also
say 1




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