

单词 wind
wind 1 ★★★
1  C/U  a natural current of air that moves fast enough for you to feel it 风

Acold wind blew and the rain fell in torrents. 一阵冷风吹来,随即大雨滂沱。

We’ ll head back to the shore if the wind picks up (=gets stronger) . 如果风越来越大,我们就回到岸边去。

The helicopter can’ t reach them until the wind drops (=becomes less strong) . 只有等风势减弱,直升机才能接近他们。

alight/strong wind Fires spread by strong winds have caused widespread damage. 大风使火势蔓延,造成了大范围的破坏。

agust of wind (=ashort strong wind) A large gust of wind swept his hat into the sea. 一阵大风

2  singular  the air in your lungs 气息;呼吸

The heavy blow knocked the wind out of him. 这一记重击使他喘不上气来。

3  U  BRITISH  gas produced in your stomach that makes you feel uncomfortable . AMERICAN gas 肠气;胃气
3a to let the gas in your stomach out through your anus 放屁
-   get wind of sth informal
to find out about something secret or private

De Gaulle got wind of the invasion plan in August 1942. 戴高乐在1942年8月获悉了有关这一侵略计划的情报。

-   get the wind up informal
to become nervous or frightened
-   in the wind
certain to happen or likely to happen

Ibelieve some change is in the wind. 我认为要发生某些变化了。

-   put the wind up sb informal
to make someone feel nervous or frightened

The talk of redundancies has put the wind up us. 裁员的议论使我们感到紧张不安。

-   take the wind out of sb’ s sails
to make someone feel less confident , usually by saying or doing something unexpected
-   winds of change mainly journalism
actions or influences that will lead to important political or social changes

The winds of change are sweeping away corruption and cynicism. 改革之风正在扫除贪污腐败和愤世嫉俗。

  Words frequently used with wind
  wind 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   biting, bitter, blustery, gusty, high, howling, strong,
See also
caution 1
ill wind




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