

单词 war
war ★★★
1  U  fighting between two or more countries, that involves the use of armed forces and usually continues for a long time (两个或两个以上国家之间的)战争

The negotiations failed, and war now seemed inevitable. 谈判失败,现在战争似乎不可避免了。

the ever-present threat of nuclear war 核战争的长期威胁

be at war (with) They had been at war for five years, and there was still no sign of victory. 他们已打了5年仗,还没有显示出胜利的迹象。

go to war Let’ s hope they can find a solution without going to war. 我们希望他们能找到解决的办法而不诉诸战争。

war breaks out I volunteered for the Navy when war broke out. 战争爆发后,我自愿参加了海军。

declare war (on) (=formally announce the start of a war) When Poland was invaded, the Allies had no choice but to declare war. 宣战

1a  U  fighting between opposing groups within one country (国内的)冲突,内战

Sierra Leone had endured ten years of war. 塞拉利昂的内战已经持续了10年。

1b  C  a particular period of fighting between countries or groups of people 战争时期

the American War of Independence 美国独立战争

+between the wars between England and Scotland in the 14th century 14世纪英格兰和苏格兰之间的战争

+against/with The King led England into another war against France. 国王将英格兰带入了另一场与西班牙的战争。

2  C/U  a determined and organized effort to control or stop something , for example a disease or crime (为控制或消灭疾病、犯罪等而进行的)斗争

+against This is a major victory in the war against drugs. 这是反毒品斗争的一次重大胜利。

wage/declare war on sth We will continue to wage war on organized crime. 我们将继续同有组织的犯罪活动作斗争。

3  C  a situation in which countries, organizations, or businesses compete with each other to gain economic power or control 竞争;争夺

This could easily start a trade war. 这很容易引发一场贸易战。

+for the war for supremacy in the fast-food industry 快餐业的霸权之争

4  C/U  often humorous   a situation in which two people or groups of people fight , argue , or are extremely unpleasant to each other 打斗;舌战;论战

He was angry, but reluctant to declare war on his old friends. 他很生气,但不愿意向老朋友宣战。

You know this means war! 你知道这意味着论战。

5 the war the second world war
-   be in the wars BRITISH informal
to have injuries from being in an accident or fight

My, you have been in the wars. How did you get that bruise? 哎呀!你受过伤。怎么受伤的?

-   between the wars
during the period of time between the First World War and the Second World War
-   awar of words
a situation in which two people or groups continuously criticize each other in public because they disagree seriously about something
See also
nerve 1 2a




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