

单词 variety
variety ★★★
1  singular  a collection or number of people , things, ideas etc that are all different from one another 种种

+of People study yoga for a variety of reasons. 人们出于各种各样的原因而学习瑜伽。

We want to hear the opinions of a variety of people. 我们想听听各种人的看法。

a great/wide variety Students are offered a wide variety of courses in this department. 这个系为学生开设各种各样的课程。

1a  U  the fact that something consists of different things, usually in a way that makes it interesting or enjoyable 多样化;(通常指)丰富多彩

offer/provide variety Cable TV offers much more variety than normal TV. 有线电视提供比普通电视更丰富多彩的节目。

add variety Introduce different vegetables to add variety to your child’ s diet. 食用不同的蔬菜以使你孩子的饮食更多样化。

2  C  a type of plant (植物的)品种

Which varieties of tomato grow well here? 哪些品种的西红柿在这里长得好?

2a a type of thing (东西的)种类

a huge box of chocolates of the cream-filled variety 一大盒奶油夹心巧克力

2b a type of person (人的)种类

a man of the self-centred, totally insensitive variety 属于以自我为中心、完全麻木不仁那一类的男子

3  U  entertainment consisting of different short performances, for example people singing, dancing , and telling jokes 综艺表演;杂耍表演

His father worked in variety in the music halls. 他父亲在歌舞厅表演杂耍。

a variety show 综艺表演

-   variety is the spice of life mainly spoken
used for saying that different experiences and situations make life enjoyable or interesting
  Words frequently used with variety
  variety 的常见搭配词
  adjectives   astonishing, bewildering, endless, enormous, great, huge, immense, infinite, rich, wide,




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