

单词 most
most ★★★
  Most is the superlative form of much and many and can be used in the following ways:
most 是much 和many 的最高级形式,有以下用法
  as an adverb (before an adjective or another adverb)用作副词(置于形容词或另一个副词前): a most interesting lecture 一次非常有趣的讲座 the question that is asked most often 最常问的问题 (with a verb与动词连用): Love is what these children need most. 爱是这些孩子们最需要的东西。 (after ‘the’ 用于the 后): Angie looks the most like her father. 安吉长得最像她的父亲。
  as a determiner (before a noun)用作限定词(置于名词前): Most shops will be closed over the Christmas holiday. 大部分商店将在圣诞节期间关门歇业。 (after ‘the’ 用于the 后): Which athlete won the most medals? 哪一个运动员赢得了最多的奖牌?
  as a pronoun 用作代词: All the victims were male, and most were between the ages of 15 and 25. 所有的受害者都是男性,大部分在15到25岁之间。 (after ‘the’ 用于the 后): We all ate a lot, but Ashley ate the most. 我们都吃了很多,但是阿什利吃得最多。 (followed by ‘of’ 后接of): Most of my friends live in this area. 我的大多数朋友都住在这个地区。
1 used for comparing people , places, things etc
used for saying that someone or something has more of a particular quality than any other person or thing 最

Zurich is Switzerland’ s most important city. 苏黎世是瑞士最重要的城市。

Even the most carefully prepared plans sometimes go wrong. 即使是最精心准备的计划有时也会出错。

The English Patient was one of the most successful films ever made. 《英国病人》是迄今拍摄的最成功的影片之一。

Who do you think is most likely to win the next presidential election? 你认为谁最有可能赢得下一届总统选举?

easilyby far the most My time in the navy was by far the most exciting period of my life. 我在海军部队里的那一段时间是我一生中最激动最兴奋的时期。

2 the largest part or the majority
the largest part of something , or the majority of people or things 大部分(的);最多数(的);大多数(的)

Most people think of robots as machines that look like people. 大多数人认为机器人是看起来像人的机器。

Most business meetings are held at the company’ s Bristol office. 大部分商业会议在公司的布里斯托尔办事处举行。

A few of the moths are grey, but most are white. 飞蛾中有一些是灰色的,但大部分是白色的。

+of Most of us enjoy shopping. 我们大部分人都喜欢购物。

Johnson spent most of his life in London. 约翰逊一生的大部分时间是在伦敦度过的。

most days/evenings/weekends etc We go sailing most weekends. 我们大多数周末去玩帆船。

most of the time (=usually) Most of the time we sit around playing cards. 大多数时间;通常

3 the largest amount
3a used for referring to a larger amount or number than any other 最大的(量)

The fairest system is one where those who earn most pay most tax. 最公平的制度是挣最多钱的那些人缴最多的税。

the most It’ s a competition to see who could drink the most beer in the shortest time. 这是一个看谁能在最短的时间内喝下最多啤酒的比赛。

3b the largest amount or number that is possible (可能的)最大量,最高额

the most The most that we can do is to prevent the situation from getting any worse. 我们顶多能阻止形势进一步恶化。

To get the most benefit from your training programme, read all the documentation carefully. 为了能从培训计划中获得最大的收益,请仔细阅读所有的文件。

We chose the option that would help the most people. 我们选择能帮助最多数人的方法。

4 happening most
4a to a greater degree than anyone or anything else 最大程度地

the most The university course that has changed most in the last ten years is teacher education. 在过去的10年中变化最大的大学课程是教师教育。

most of all What I want most of all is to spend more time with my little girl. 我最想做的是多花些时间和我的小女儿在一起。

4b more often , or for a longer period of time than anyone or anything else 最经常;最长时间地

the most It was Auntie Margaret who complained the most. 抱怨最多的是玛格丽特姨妈。

5 formal   very
used for emphasizing a particular quality 很;非常

We spent a most enjoyable afternoon at the races. 我们观看赛马,度过了一个非常愉快的下午。

The landscapes are most beautifully painted in oils. 这些景色在油画中显得很美。

6 AMERICAN  informal   almost
used before words such as ‘everything’ or ‘everywhere’ for saying that something is true about almost everyone or everything (用于everything, everywhere 等词前)几乎,差不多

The iced tea was very sweet, as it is most everywhere in the South. 冰茶非常甜,在南方几乎每一个地方都是这样。

-   at (the) most
used for showing that you are mentioning the largest possible amount , although the real amount may be less

The whole process will take half an hour at the most. 整个过程顶多需要半个小时。

A new engine would cost, at most, two thousand dollars. 新的发动机至多需要花2,000美元。

at the very most She guessed him to be in his late thirties. Forty at the very most. 她猜他有三十七八了,最多四十岁。

-   for the most part
used for saying that something is mainly true but not completely true

For the most part we were happy to live alongside each other. 总的来说,我们挨着住在一起很开心。

In many countries medical services are state-funded and, for the most part, free. 在许多国家医疗服务由政府拨款,绝大部分是免费的。





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