

单词 underneath
underneath ★★
  Underneath can be used in the following ways有以下用法:
  as a preposition (followed by a noun): I took the gun and hid it underneath the sofa. 我拿起枪,把它藏到沙发下面。
  as an adverb (without a following noun)用作副词(后不接名词): She left the buttons open to show a layer of silk underneath. 她为了露出里面的一层丝绸,没有把纽扣扣上。 Underneath he is a very pleasant man. 实际上他是个非常和蔼可亲的人。
  as an adjective 用作形容词: The underneath part is blue and grey. 下面部分是蓝色和灰色的。
  as a singular noun (after ‘the’ )用作单数名词(置于the 之后): Looking at the car, I could see that the underneath was rusty. 我看了看轿车,发现下面已经生锈了。
1 in , to , or through a place directly below something or covered by it 在…下面;在…底下;向…下面;通过…下面

I’ ll leave the key underneath the mat. 我会把钥匙放在垫子下面。

Curtis was partially crushed underneath the helicopter as it hit the ground. 直升机撞到地面时,柯蒂斯身体的一部分被飞机压住了。

Everybody got underneath the tables to escape the gunfire. 大家都钻到桌子下面以躲避枪击。

The child screamed once, and disappeared underneath the ice. 那孩子尖叫了一声,接着就消失在冰层下。

The photographer’ s name was printed underneath. 摄影师的名字印在下面。

He opened his jacket to reveal a bullet-proof vest underneath. 他解开夹克衫,露出里面的防弹背心。

2 used for describing the lower surface of something that faces down 在朝下的一面;在下层

Drop spoonfuls of the mixture into the frying pan and cook until golden underneath. 在煎锅里加几勺混合料,然后把朝下的一面煎到金黄色为止。

Underneath you will see soft silky fur, very different from the fur on the animal’ s back. 你会看到这只动物腹部柔软光滑的皮毛和背上的皮毛大不相同。

The wound has healed on top, but the skin underneath is still very painful. 虽然伤口表面已经愈合,但下面的皮肤仍很疼。

the underneath (of sth) The underneath of the car was badly damaged. 汽车底部严重受损。

3 used for describing what someone or something is really like , despite how they may seem 在…里面;在…背后

Underneath her calm exterior, she was a deeply troubled woman. 她表面上很平静,其实心里极其烦恼。

Gary is a typical Highlander – tough on the outside but with a heart of gold underneath. 加里是个典型的苏格兰高地人,看上去很粗暴,但却有一颗金子般的心。

It looks like a lot of fuss about nothing, but underneath there is a serious point. 这看起来是小题大做,但实际上很有讲究。





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