

单词 thought
thought 1 ★★★
1  C  a word , idea , or image that comes into your mind 想法;主意;念头;思想

a comforting/sobering/chilling thought 令人安慰的/使人冷静的/令人寒心的想法

+of His mind was filled with thoughts of revenge. 他心中充满了复仇的念头。

a thought comes/occurs to sb Another thought came to me about the new house. 关于新房子,我又有了别的想法。

A sudden thought occurred to him, just as he was leaving. 就在他要离开时,他忽然有了主意。

the thought strikes sb (=they suddenly think something) The thought struck him that maybe they were trying to cheat him. 某人忽然想到…

a thought crosses/enters sb’ s mind The thought had crossed my mind that we were taking a big risk. 我突然想到我们是在冒很大的风险。

sb’ s thoughts wander (=they think about something else) When she tried to consider the problem, her thoughts wandered. 某人思想开小差;某人走神

sb’ s thoughts race (=are out of control) I tried to be calm, but my thoughts were racing. 某人控制不住思想

read sb’ s thoughts (=know what someone is thinking) ‘How about a cup of coffee?’ she said, reading my thoughts. 知道某人的想法;看出某人的心思

the thought of She couldn’ t bear the thought of their last meeting. 一想起他们上次的见面,她就受不了。

1a to not think about someone or something 不考虑某人/某事

I never gave it a thought. 我从未考虑过这事。

I didn’ t give him another thought. 我再没有考虑过他。

2  U  the mental effort that you make to understand something , make decisions, or solve problems 思考;思索;考虑

Deep in thought, he did not hear the doorbell ring. 他陷入沉思之中,没听见门铃响。

2a to think carefully about something 认真考虑某事

I hope you’ ll give our conversation some thought. 我希望你能认真考虑我们的谈话。

3  C  an idea or opinion about something 看法;观点;见解

+on/about Do any members want to express their thoughts on this matter? 有没有会员想就此事发表自己的看法?

3a used when offering an idea or suggestion 这只是我的一点想法;这只是一点建议

You don’ t have to come with us. It was just a thought. 你不一定非得跟我们来,这只是一个建议。

4  C/U  a plan or wish to do something 打算;意图

have no thought of doing sth He insists he has no thought of running for office. 他坚持说自己没打算竞选公职。

5  C/U  +for/of/about a feeling of being worried about what might happen as a result of an action 顾虑;担忧

She dived in with no thought for her own safety. 她不顾自己安危,跳进了水里。

6  U  a system of organized ideas about a particular subject or that a particular group of people has 思想;思潮

Greek thought is not taught as much in modern schools. 现代学校不怎么讲授希腊思想。

-   in sb’ s thoughts
if someone is in your thoughts, you think about them a lotThis expression is often used for telling someone who is unhappy that you are thinking about them

We want you to know that you’ re in our thoughts. 我们想让你知道我们非常挂念你。

-   it’ s the thought that counts
used for saying that caring about someone is more important than spending a lot of money on them
See also
dark 1 3c
spare 2




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