

单词 trail
trail 2 ★★
NOUN  C   
1 a path through the countryside , especially one designed for walking for pleasure (尤指作为休闲散步用的)乡间小径,乡间小路

The trail led down to the lake. 这条小径通向湖畔。

follow a trail We were following the winding trail into the mountains. 我们沿着弯弯曲曲的小道进山。

2 a series of marks or objects left by someone or something that shows they have been there 痕迹;踪迹;足迹

+of a trail of blood 血迹

leave a trail He left a trail of muddy footprints. 他留下了一连串泥脚印。

follow a trail We followed the trail of ribbon he had tied to the trees. 我们循着他绑在树上的缎带走。

2a a smell or series of marks left by an animal (动物留下的)臭迹,痕迹

follow a trail Dogs can follow a bear’ s trail for several miles. 狗可以根据熊留下的臭迹追出好几英里。

3 +of damage or harm caused by something bad 破坏;损害

Hurricane Andrew left a trail of destruction along the coast. “安德鲁”飓风在沿海一带留下了满目疮痍。

3a a series of bad or harmful events 一系列(坏事或有害事件)

a trail of murders/robberies 系列谋杀案/抢劫案

4 many pieces of connected evidence that prove someone did something wrong or illegal 一连串的线索

The trail of missing funds led investigators directly to Wang. 基金遗失的一连串线索使得调查人员直接将矛头指向王。

on the trail of sb Detectives are on the trail of a serial killer. 侦探们在追踪一名连环杀手。

5 mainly journalism   a series of activities that you do in order to achieve something 系列活动

the campaign/championship/winning/comeback trail The usual pack of reporters were following Bush on the campaign trail. 和往常一样,一大堆记者在跟踪报道布什的一系列竞选活动。

hit the trail (=begin to try to achieve something) Sefton hits the cup trail tomorrow, following today’ s win. 开始尝试

-   blaze a trail
1 to go to a place where no one has gone before 开路;做开路先锋
2 to discover something new 开创;开拓
-   (hot) on the trail of
very close to finding someone or discovering something




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