

单词 sail
sail 1 ★★
1  I/T  if a boat sails, it moves across the surface of a sea , lake , river etc (船只)航行,航行于

The yacht sailed into harbour. 快艇驶进了港湾。

The boat was never designed to sail such rough seas. 这条船不是为在这样波涛汹涌的海面上航行而设计的。

1a  I  to travel somewhere by boat or ship 乘船旅行

Sail to Greece aboard the SS Monterey. 乘船去希腊旅行的乘客请上圣蒙特雷号。

1b  I  to begin a journey by boat or ship 启航

We sail for Guadalajara early tomorrow morning. 我们明天早上将启航去瓜达拉哈拉。

1c  I/T  to control the movement of a boat or ship , especially one that uses the wind to move it (尤指用风力)驾驶(船只)

It’ s a great opportunity to learn to sail. 这是学驾船的大好机会。

They spent their holiday sailing the Caribbean (=sailing a boat around the Caribbean) . 他们假日在加勒比海驾船。

2  I  to move quickly and easily (轻快地)移动

He sailed past us without even saying a word. 他很快地从我们身边经过,连句话都没说。

The bill sailed through parliament on a 26 to 5 vote. 提案在议会以26对5票顺利通过。

The ball sailed over his head and into the goal. 球从他头上飞进了球门。

ˈsail ˌthrough
sail through sth: to do something or deal with something very easily 顺利通过

She sailed through the first interview. 她顺利通过了第一次面试。





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