

单词 towards
towards ★★★
1 in a particular direction
used for saying in which direction someone or something is going , facing , or looking 往;向;朝…方向

a stream of traffic speeding towards West London 快速驶往伦敦西区的车流

I saw Joanna hurrying towards me along the drive. 我看到乔安娜沿着车行道匆匆向我赶来。

Victor was standing with his back towards me. 维克托背对着我站着。

She directed a brief glance towards Peter. 她朝彼得瞟了一眼。

a path leading towards the river 通往这条河的小路

2 concerning sb/sth
used when saying how you feel about someone or something or how you treat them 对,针对,对于,关于(表示对某人或某物印象如何或如何对待某人或某物)

He’ s not feeling very friendly towards you at the moment. 他现在对你感觉不太友好。

the Church’ s attitude towards divorce 教会对离婚的态度

international policy towards Iraq 针对伊拉克的国际政策

3 nearer to a particular result
used for showing how a process is developing in a way that will produce a particular result 朝,向(表示事态发展将引发某种结果)

progress towards European unity 朝欧洲一体化迈进的进程

Not much has been done towards improving safety. 在提高安全性方面并无多少举措。

4 near a time or place
4a a little before a particular time 接近,将近(某时间)

I’ ll phone you some time towards the end of the week. 我会在将近周末的时候给你打电话。

It was towards midnight when finally she sent the children off to bed. 快到午夜时她才打发孩子们上床睡觉。

4b not far from a particular place or position 接近,靠近(某地点)

Caroline’ s name appeared towards the bottom of the list. 卡罗琳的名字出现在名单接近末尾的地方。

Towards the edge of the wood there were patches of yellow primroses. 在靠近树林边缘的地方,有一片片黄色的报春花。

5 helping to pay for sth
if money goes towards something , it helps to pay for it (钱)用于支付

The money will go towards building new homes for poor villagers. 这笔钱将用于为穷苦村民搭盖新居。

I would be happy to contribute towards the cost of the petrol. 我很乐意凑钱支付汽油费。





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