

单词 illness
illness ★★★
 U  the state of feeling ill or having a disease 病;疾病;患病

He missed five days of school because of illness. 他因病缺了5天课。

patients who are recovering from major surgery or serious illness 做过大手术或重病后正在恢复的病人

a  C  a particular disease , or a period of being ill (特定的)病,疾病;患病期

She had had no serious illnesses, and had never been in hospital. 她没患过大病,也从未住过院。

My aunt died that spring after a long illness. 我舅母病了很长时间后于那年春天去世了。

b  C/U  a serious mental problem 心理疾病

More than three million people suffer from severe mental illness. 三百多万人遭受着严重心理疾病的折磨。

depressive illnesses 抑郁性心理疾病

Other ways of saying :  illness
disease a serious illness that usually lasts a long time, often one that affects a particular part of the body疾病(比较严重,通常持续时间久,常影响特定的身体部位): tropical diseases热带疾病She has a rare lung disease.她患有罕见的肺病。
infection an illness that is caused by bacteria and that does not usually last a long time(由细菌引发且历时不长的)感染,传染病: He was off work with a throat infection.他由于咽喉感染而休假了。
virus a very small germ that causes illness, or an illness caused by these things病毒;病毒感染: The virus is highly contagious.这种病毒具有高度传染性。She has a virus.她感染了病毒。
condition an illness or medical problem that affects someone for a long time(长期的)疾病: a serious heart condition严重的心脏病。
disorder (formal) a situation in which a particular part of someone’ s body does not operate normally, often causing illness for a long period of time(身体某一部分的)失调,紊乱,障碍(常引发长期疾病): a stomach/heart/liver disorder胃/心脏/肝病。
ailment a minor illness that may be painful or uncomfortable小病;微恙: He was complaining about his various ailments.他抱怨着自己一大堆的小病。
bug (informal) an illness caused by a virus or bacteria that is not serious and that does not usually last a long time小疾(由病毒或细菌引发,但并不严重,通常持续时间也不长): a stomach bug胃不舒服。




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