

单词 tip
tip 1 ★★
1  C  a narrow or pointed end , especially of something long or thin (尤指细长物体的)尖端,末梢,末端

+of the tip of your nose/finger 你的鼻尖/指尖

the southern tip of the island 岛的南端

1a a piece that has been fixed to the narrow or pointed end of something 顶端附加物

There was a rubber tip on the end of her stick. 她的拐棍末端有个橡胶头。

2  C  a small amount of money that you give to someone in addition to what you owe for a service 小费

leave/give a tip Shall we leave a tip for the waiter? 我们要给服务生留小费吗?

get a tip When I first started driving a taxi I didn’ t get very good tips. 我刚开始开出租车的时候,得到的小费不很多。

3  C  a useful suggestion 有用的建议;忠告;指点

+on The booklet gives a lot of useful tips on flower arranging. 这本小册子讲了很多关于插花的小窍门。

3a a piece of special or secret information 特别消息;秘密消息

+on I’ ve got a good tip on a horse in the Derby. 我得到了德比赛马会上一匹赛马的内幕消息。

give sb a tip The police were given a tip on where they might find the killer. 有人向警方透露了可能会找到那个杀人犯的地方。

a hot tip (=a very good one) Occasionally my stockbroker comes up with a hot tip for me. 非常好的秘密消息

4  C  BRITISH  a place where you take rubbish and leave it 垃圾场
5  singular  BRITISH  informal   a dirty or untidy place 脏(或乱)的地方

Sorry, the flat’ s a real tip at the moment. 对不起,公寓现在乱得跟垃圾堆似的。

-   (just) the tip of the iceberg
a problem or difficult situation that shows that a much more serious problem exists

The recent riots are just the tip of the iceberg. 最近发生的暴乱只是冰山一角而已。

-   on the tip of your tongue
if a word , name etc is on the tip of your tongue , you know it but cannot remember it at the time you are speaking




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